You might think of yourself as a long-term investor with your cute little retirement fund, but that’s nothing compared to an investment that recently paid out to Yale University. Twelve years ago, the university’s rare books and manuscripts library purchased a bond issued by a Dutch water authority to fund the construction of a pier. The thing is, the bond pays out in perpetuity, and that water authority still exists, so Yale checked to find out whether it was still earning interest. It is. [More]

Dutch Businessman Linked To European Horsemeat Scare Sentenced To 2.5 Years In Jail
While we’ve had our own share of meat scandals in our nation’s history, Americans with a love of Mr. Ed and Black Beauty watched dismayed about two years ago, as Europe was in the throes of huge horsemeat scandal. And now, a Dutch businessman linked to the meat switcheroo, where horsemeat was sold as beef, is headed to prison. [More]
Glamour Pits Stilettoed Women in Death Race for Dollars
10,000 or 11,877.01 in U.S. torture dollars. The race is masterminded by glossy mysoginists, Glamour Magazine.