P.’s Lenovo netbook had a wonky USB port that would stop working when the item plugged into it was jostled a little bit. Fortunately, Lenovo’s repair center is capable of fixing problems like that. He sent the computer in, but didn’t want to pay $700 for repairs on a computer he had purchased for $400. [More]

LG's Customer Service Reps Are Nice, But My Webcam Is Still Messed Up
Ted really likes his new LG netbook, except for one problem: the self-focusing webcam focuses itself in the wrong spot. The company’s customer service representatives were extremely friendly but ultimately useless. Now Ted has to continue…just a bit out of focus. [More]

Toshiba's Netbook Repair Runaround Is Demoralizing
One might think that the warranty repair of a netbook that failed after less than three weeks of use would be simple and painless. One would be wrong. Robert asks in his e-mail to Consumerist about Toshiba, “are all computer companies this crappy?” Yes, some of them, but it’s a sad day in America when customers buy a laptop and can expect to encounter the same hardware failures and general runaround that Robert writes that he experienced. [More]

Security Patching For XP Service Pack 2 Ends Today
If you’re still using Windows XP SP2, you’re about to be on your own. Today Microsoft releases its final security update for Service Pack 2 (the 32-bit version, at least). [More]

Acer Netbook Fails After 3 Weeks; Repair Facility Helpfully Breaks It More
The Acer netbook that Danielle bought for law school is light and portable, but not so great in the “actually working as a netbook” sense. She tells Consumerist that problems with the wireless card began in the first few weeks she owned the machine. When she was finally able to send the netbook in for service, Acer somehow managed to send it back to her in worse condition than it was originally. On the first repair attempt, they sent the computer back with the display non-functional. On the second, they somehow broke the M key. [More]

Will The iPad's "Magic" Be Enough To Beat Netbooks?
When Apple launched their much-hyped iPad device a few weeks ago, the first thing naysayers asked — after they finished giggling over the silly name — was “What makes the iPad anything more than an expensive netbook without a proper keyboard?” Well, party-poopers, Apple COO Tim Cook has your answer: “Magic.” [More]

Best Buy: We Won't Replace Your Broken Netbook, But We Will 'Service' It
UPDATE: Best Buy has replaced the laptop. [More]

How Long Until The Netbook Becomes Obsolete?
Netbooks are currently very popular, and were a hot gift this holiday season. But are the tiny, stripped-down computers really the future of consumer laptops? According to the BBC, some technology experts think that the netbook may have already peaked–and most of what people seek out netbooks for today, they may use other devices, including tablets, in the future. [More]

Dell Mini 9 Mysteriously Ablaze! (Pics)
There’s a big scorch mark on Hannah’s floor. It appeared last week after her Dell Mini 9 began suddenly sizzling and smoking and melting. We have pictures, and questions. [More]

Customer Makes 2-Hour Best Buy Trek For Vanishing Netbook
Valente’s plan was simple enough: Purchase a netbook from Best Buy during Cyber Monday sale. Order it from Best Buy’s web site for in-store pickup so he could be sure to have it in hand. Bring netbook home and hide it from his son until Christmas. Unfortunately, he tells Consumerist, the transaction didn’t work out according to his plan, he drove to another Best Buy two hours away that claimed to have a netbook on hold for him. A netbook that did not, as it turned out, exist. [More]

Best Buy Holds Discounted Netbook, Delights Customer
A story about a great customer service experience at Best Buy? On Black Friday? It doesn’t seem possible. And yet, it happened to Brian and Briana when they shopped the early sale for Silver Reward Zone members. [More]

Free Netbook From Verizon Not Quite Free
There is no such thing, dear readers, as a free computer. Particularly, Ray learned recently, in the case of Verizon’s “triple play” promotion for new FiOs users, where one of the options is a “free” netbook. Sure, you never expect “free” items to be completely free, but his situation is even more complicated than that.

Befuddled Customers Find Netbooks Are Nyetbooks, Notebooks Are Notbooks
The majority of people in the market for a laptop can’t tell the difference between notebooks and netbooks, and are disappointed to end up with one when they thought they bought the other, an NPD survey finds.

More Info On Replacing An HP Laptop Motherboard
We asked John, who wrote to us earlier this week about replacing the motherboard in his HP laptop, to send us a link to the listing he found for $150. Below is his response.

How Much Should It Cost To Replace The Motherboard On A Laptop?
John’s wife’s laptop died, and his local Geek Squad wants $800 total to replace the motherboard. John says he found the motherboard for $150, and he wants to know why Geek Squad thinks it will require $650 in labor. So all you IT and geek readers out there, we ask you: is this a fair price?

Verizon Netbooks? Wireless carrier Verizon is branching out from offering just mobile phones. Last week, Reuters (and other news sites) had reported Verizon would start selling netbooks this year. Those reports have now been confirmed by a Verizon spokesperson. [CR]