Not only did her husband allegedly cheat on her while she was bedridden for three years recovering from a traffic accident, but a Dallas woman is claiming he spent $1.4 million of her money buying gifts for her from Neiman Marcus, while carrying on an affair with the personal shopper who made a commission on those gifts.Still with us? [More]
neiman marcus

Shopper Sues Neiman Marcus For Refusing To Take Back Expensive Gifts From Her Cheating Husband

Woman Battles Neiman Marcus To Return Damaged Dress
You can understand Amy’s disappointment when she ordered a belted dress from Neiman Marcus, but the dress arrived beltless. Starting in July, she tangled with customer service to get her money back.
Mark Your Calendars: Massive Cosmetics Giveaway Set For Inauguration Day
Americans face a tough choice Tuesday morning: watch Barack Obama’s historic inauguration, or storm department stores to take advantage of a first-come, first-serve cosmetics giveaway worth $175 million.

Neiman Marcus Sells Used Bugaboo Stroller As New
When Steven paid Neiman Marcus $682 for a Bugaboo stroller, he expected to receive a new model, not a used stroller with worn wheels and axles coated with hair.

6 Major Retailers Selling Real Fur As "Faux"
Six big retailers are selling jackets advertised as having “faux” fur, but the fur is actually from real animals. It’s not only mean, it’s a violation of the federal Fur Products Labeling Act. An investigation by the Humane Society of The United States * found jackets sold at Saks, Neiman Marcus, Lord & Taylor, Dillards, Yoox and Bloomingdales containing the faux “faux” fur. Much of the world’s fur is processed in China, a place where they skin animals alive for their fur.

Retailers Flog About Their Own Wares, Biased Blogging Becoming Commonplace
Unlike other media covering the shows, these commentators are in the awkward position of reviewing their own suppliers — and their aim is more to boost sales rather than offer impartial critique.
Does it work? Absolutely. When Downing links his comments to specific merchandise the store sees a “sales bump” that exceeds expectations, according to a Neiman Marcus spokesperson. As shady as Ken is, least he’s honest about his identity and job function as he lavishes his purple prose on nearly everything he sees.