If you shopped at a grocery store, drug store or a big box store last Friday and found you’d been charged twice or multiple times when paying with a debit or credit card, you’re not alone: NCR confirms that a technical issue affecting retailers nationwide that use its payment processing service may’ve resulted in multiple for a single transaction for some customers. [More]

NCR Confirms Technical Issue Resulted In Duplicate Charges For Some Shoppers At Multiple Retailers

3 Things Your ATM Could Soon Be Doing Besides Dispensing Cash
Almost all of the more than 400,000 ATMs in the U.S. are used for the most basic of banking purposes — withdrawing cash and making deposits. But fewer people are using cash and it’s now often easier to deposit a check (in those rare instances when you receive one) via smartphone than it is to trek to the ATM. In order for the machines to survive (and someday play their part in the inevitable robot uprising), they must diversify. [More]

Just Because You're Illiterate Doesn't Mean You Shouldn't Be Able To Use The ATM
If you’ve ever found yourself trying to get money from an ATM that doesn’t want to display its menus in English, you know it can be aggravating. But imagine what it must be like for someone with no understanding of any written language. Now there are new ATMs being created for use in developing regions with lower literacy rates. [More]

Blockbuster Express Agrees To 28-Day Delay On New Warner Bros. Releases
While bankrupt video chain Blockbuster Video is spending millions on TV ads to trumpet its immediate access to new releases, the folks behind the Blockbuster Express rental kiosks have made a deal with Warner Bros. and other studios to delay renting new titles by 28 days. [More]

Netflix Agrees To Delay Rentals Of New Sony Releases By 28 Days
Yesterday, Netflix continued to demonstrate its focus on expanding the company’s online streaming library — at the risk of losing business on new release DVD rentals — by announcing a deal with Sony that would delay rentals of the studio’s new titles by 28 days. In exchange, Netflix receives access to streaming licenses for more Sony titles. [More]

Blockbuster Kiosks Trying To Distance Themselves From Bankrupt Chain
While many of you have probably seen the Blockbuster DVD rental kiosks, what a lot of people aren’t aware of is that these Redbox-like devices have virtually nothing to do with their bankrupt namesake. But now that the once-great video chain is in the headlines for its Chapter 11 filings, the owners of the Blockbuster kiosks are making sure users know about the difference. [More]