native apps

Apple Will Finally Let iOS Users Delete Some Of Those “Junk Drawer” Apps

Apple Will Finally Let iOS Users Delete Some Of Those “Junk Drawer” Apps

As it was foretold, so it has apparently come to pass: with the upcoming release of its new iOS 10, Apple will finally let people delete some of those default apps they never use, you know, the ones in your “Crap I Don’t Use” folder. [More]

Apple Might Finally Let iPhone Users Delete Some Of Those “Junk Drawer” Apps

Apple Might Finally Let iPhone Users Delete Some Of Those “Junk Drawer” Apps

If you own an iPhone, you probably have a folder somewhere on your device that says “Crap I Don’t Use” or “Why Can’t I Delete This, Darn It?” that holds all of the native apps that come preloaded onto Apple phones, but that can’t be deleted. That junk drawer might be a bit less full sometime in the future, as Apple’s CEO Tim Cook says the company may allow iPhone users to remove certain apps. [More]