Yesterday, in honor of National Consumer Protection Week, we highlighted four scams consumers should be aware of in order to keep their money. One way to avoid some of these telephone-based scams is to just avoid picking up the phone at all when receiving calls from certain area codes. [More]
national consumer protection week

Maybe Don’t Answer Calls From These Area Codes If You Don’t Want To Be Scammed

4 Scams You Should Always Be Aware Of
In honor of National Consumer Protection Week — don’t worry; we forgot to get you a gift too — we wanted to take a few moments to remind everyone of some of the most common scams so that they can do their best to avoid them. [More]

Hey Kids, It's National Consumer Protection Week!
Uhh, apparently this week is National Consumer Protection Week, which is supposed to “highlight consumer protection and education efforts around the country.” Translation: the government put up a mini-website from, like, 1976, with a page of links and some banners for the taking. That’s fine with us—we’ll just claim the other 51 slots as National Consumerist Weeks.
Presidential Proclamation: It's Consumer Protection Week
During National Consumer Protection Week, citizens are urged to learn more about the risks of fraud and identity theft and take precautions to protect themselves from these crimes.