If you’re planning to buy an ultrathin laptop or a 4K TV in the next few months, you may want to brush up on your negotiation skills. According to Consumer Reports’ annual electronics retailer survey, a little haggling often pays off in a big way. [More]
name your price

Can You Actually Haggle On Price Of New TV Or Laptop? It’s Worth A Shot

Panera Expanding Pay-What-You-Want Model To All Of St. Louis, But Only On One Item
It’s been three years since sandwich chain Panera opened its first pay-what-you-want eatery, where customers can disregard the listed menu price and pay what they can afford or what they feel the meal is worth. The company soon added others in a handful in other cities. Now the eatery says it is expanding the model to all 48 Paneras in and around St. Louis, though it will only involve one menu item. [More]

$35 Missoni For Target Boots Listed On eBay For $31,000. Seller Thinks Someone Will Pay
The hype surrounding the whole Missoni for Target phenomenon continues. First, the online demand was apparently so huge that it temporarily crashed Target’s website (though some of us are not 100% convinced the “crash” wasn’t a deliberate — and effective — PR stunt). Then after all but the tattered scraps had sold out, folks who missed the boat began hunting the items down at marked-up prices on eBay. Now comes a woman who thinks she will be able to pay for her child’s college with her small stockpile of Missoni for Target items, including the pair of boots she’s listed for $31,000. [More]