After refusing to fold to pressure from German regulators and consumer safety advocates to change the name of its semi-autonomous driving feature Autopilot, the electric carmaker is changing something — its official name, dropping the “Motors” and becoming simply “Tesla.” [More]
name change

Isis Pharmaceuticals Changes Name To Ionis Pharmaceuticals For Some Reason
It’s a problem when you choose a name for your company that, a few decades later, comes to mean something else entirely. The company Isis Pharmaceuticals chose the name of an Egyptian goddess associated with good health, only to find that the public’s knowledge of Egyptian mythology is weak, and that most people associate the name with a jihadist militant group. [More]

Fourth Largest Cigarette Maker Imperial Tobacco Drops “Tobacco” From Its Name
Imperial Tobacco Group, the fourth largest cigarette company in the world, is the latest company to distance itself from its bread and butter by dropping the “tobacco” part of its name. [More]

Android Market Morphing Into New "Google Play" Next Week
When Android Market suddenly disappears from your smartphone next week as you’re trying to download War and Peace or that app that lets you play bird calls to confuse your local avians (does that exist? I hope so), don’t freak out — it’s simply turning into Google Play. [More]

Putting The Wrong Name On An Airline Ticket Is An $800 Mistake?
Here’s an odd problem. Reader Austin bought some airline tickets for a business trip and wasn’t sure who was going to go, so he booked an extra ticket with his name on it — thinking that the name could be changed later. Whoops.