murders and executions

Shareholders Say "Voltron Unite!" To United-Continental Merger

Shareholders Say "Voltron Unite!" To United-Continental Merger

United and Continental are oh so close to merging, now that shareholders for both airlines have approved the deal. [More]

Justice Dept. Clears Way For Continental-United Merger

Justice Dept. Clears Way For Continental-United Merger

The marriage between Continental and United Airlines got one huge step closer to happening on Friday when investigators at the Justice Department wrapped up their four-month inquiry into the merger and offered its blessing. [More]

Here's What A Merged United/Continental Plane Will Look

Here's What A Merged United/Continental Plane Will Look Like

Continental and United Airlines won’t officially join to form their airline Voltron for several months, but yesterday they released this image of how the branding on their planes will work once the merger is complete. [More]

Passengers Sue To Stop Continental-United Merger

Passengers Sue To Stop Continental-United Merger

With both Continental and United Airlines ready to say “I do,” a group of peeved passengers has busted into the church prepared to give their reasons for why these two carriers should not be wed. [More]

Congresswoman Hints That Comcast May Have Tried To Buy Her Support

Congresswoman Hints That Comcast May Have Tried To Buy Her Support

As the merger of Worst Company In America 2010 and only-worth-watching-for-Biggest-Loser network NBC continues to limp forward through the bureaucratic maze, a California Congresswoman hinted not so subtly yesterday that the cable giant had contacted her in a not-exactly-professional manner. [More]

What Do You Think Of A Continental/United Merger?

What Do You Think Of A Continental/United Merger?

It’s being widely reported that Continental Airlines and United Airlines, who have flirted with the idea in the past, could announce merger plans as early as Monday. If so, the deal would make the combined entity the largest airline in the world. But is that a good thing for travelers? [More]

Hewlett-Packard To Buy Palm For $1.2 Billion

Hewlett-Packard To Buy Palm For $1.2 Billion

After months of rumor and speculation, Hewlett-Packard announced today that it will indeed purchase Palm Inc. for a grand total of $1.2 billion. [More]

RadioShack & Best Buy: Marriage Made In Mobile Phone Heaven?

RadioShack & Best Buy: Marriage Made In Mobile Phone Heaven?

According to a recent report, the folks at RadioShack are looking to either sell themselves off to the highest bidder or find another retailer to merge with. Among the companies being discussed, the one getting the most attention is Best Buy. [More]