A year after lovers of fruit-flavored donuts sued Krispy Kreme alleging the company’s blueberry donuts didn’t contain any real blueberries, another donut chain is facing a similar lawsuit: Customers in Chicago have filed a class-action seeking lawsuit against Dunkin’ Donuts, claiming the company’s bakery items lack any actual blueberries. [More]

Wisconsin Farmers Challenging Law That Won’t Let Them Sell Baked Goods Without A Commercial License
Three Wisconsin entrepreneurs are on a mission, and that mission is to get muffins, bread, pastries, and other delicious baked goods into the mouths of the people. Sounds delicious. But it won’t be easy, considering state law doesn’t allow residents to sell baked goods directly to the public without a licensed commercial kitchen. [More]

Starbucks Offers Vegetable Muffin Or Mini-Quiche In Hong Kong
We consider it our duty to keep you updated about the finest and most exciting international fast food available, like Marmite pizza and apple burgers. We’re not so sure that this new pastry offering from Starbucks in Hong Kong will have Americans longing to buy plane tickets, though. It features…vegetables? [More]

Surprisingly, Panera Bread's "Pay What You Can" Model Is Working
Panera Bread has been trying out a donation-only “pay what you can” model at three locations for the past year, and says that it’s working. The chain says that 60% of people put in the full retail amount in the box, 20% put more in, and 20% put in less. Panera’s founder says it all works because “people are fundamentally good” but I’d like to see how well one of these stores located in an area where greed, theft, and self-interest above all is glamorized — like Wall Street. [More]

Teen Girls Accused Of "Food Contamination" After Squeezing Muffins
We’re not quite sure what to make of U.K. grocery chain Tesco. First, the store bans a Jedi after he refuses to lower his hood. And, now, the chain is threatening legal action against two teenage girls who squeezed a couple of muffins to see how fresh they were.

Starbucks New Healthy Breakfast Tasted, Opinions Formed
Starbucks bravely asked us to try their new…

British Airways Flight Attendant Suspended For Eating Passenger's Leftover Muffin?
BA are treating the incident as theft after he was reported at Heathrow airport on Monday.