Mike says his hassle with his moving company has been going on for over a month. First, his Xbox goes missing and he discovers one of the movers stole it. Then police got involved and the movers promised to pay for the loss, after Mike wrote about the ordeal online, he says that check was canceled. [More]
moving companies

Pay Movers A Fuel Surcharge Fee? Get Money Back
If you hired movers and paid a fuel surcharge fee, you could be up for getting some cash back in a recent class action action. [More]

Hidden Camera Catches Rogue Movers Holding Goods Hostage
Rogue movers. They quote you a great price for moving your stuff but once they show up to the destination, all of a sudden the price more than doubles. If you don’t pay up, they won’t let you have your stuff. CBS13 kept getting complaints about one company doing just that, so they set up a juicy hidden camera investigation to catch them in the act, and catch them they did… driving away with all their stuff! [More]

Quality Van Lines Responds To Complaint
Earlier this week we posted about Cory, a man who had a bad experience with the moving company he hired to schlep his belongings from New York to North Carolina. Now Quality Van Lines has responded with their side of the story.

"The Moving Company I Hired Was Incompetent—What Do I Do Now?"
Cory and his girlfriend moved from New York to North Carolina this summer. They hired Quality Van Lines out of Clifton, NJ to handle the move, but soon regretted the choice: they overcharged him, failed to deliver on promises, and damaged not only his belongings but his car. Cory wants to know what his options are now—and we want readers to know how to avoid hiring companies like Quality Van Lines in the future.

Movers Turns Musicians' New Zealand Adventure Into Fiasco
Ah, New Zealand, the land of kiwis and hobbits. Daniel and his girlfriend went there to set up a studio and get paid to do recording sessions. They’re musicians. They hired Morton Van Lines to ship their equipment from LA to NZ, but after over seven months of struggle, they got it, or their money back.Turns out the equipment was shipped to the wrong country and then returned to the USA. Maybe if Morton Van Lines ever returned a phone call or an email it could have been straightened out. But nay. Here’s Daniel’s story…