movie theaters

Cellphone User Sues Movie Theater After Arm Rest Hits Her Head

Cellphone User Sues Movie Theater After Arm Rest Hits Her Head

A woman who was hunched over chatting on her cellphone “discreetly” says the movie theater she was in is negligent because an arm rest fell down and smacked her in the head. [More]

Theater VP: Go F*** Yourself, Here are Directions To Another Theater

Theater VP: Go F*** Yourself, Here are Directions To Another Theater

Sarah had an unpleasant experience at her local movie theater, and sent a complaint e-mail to the company that runs it. We don’t know what response she expected, but it probably wasn’t a letter from a company vice president that began, “Drive to [a competing theater] and also go f*** yourself. If you dont have money for entertainment, get a better job, and don’t pay for everything on your credit or check card.” [More]

10 Movie Theater Secrets

10 Movie Theater Secrets

Yahoo Finance put together a list of 10 secrets about movie theaters, dropping some interesting factoids, including this justification for why concession snacks are so expensive: [More]

Movie Popcorn Is Really, Really Bad For You

Movie Popcorn Is Really, Really Bad For You

If you’re one of those people who munches on movie popcorn and placates yourself by rationalizing that as snacks go, it’s not all that bad for you, you’re just deluding yourself.

Movie Theater Pays $10,000 Damages In Snack Search Lawsuit

Movie Theater Pays $10,000 Damages In Snack Search Lawsuit

What ruins your movie-going experience more than being searched for surreptitious snacks? Having your mom discover that you’re taking birth control pills when movie theater employees go through your purse.

Moving, Vibrating Chairs Creeping Into Movie Theaters

Moving, Vibrating Chairs Creeping Into Movie Theaters

Normally when you’re watching a movie in a theater it’s cause for concern when a chair next to you starts vibrating. Not so at multiplexes rocking D-Box technology.