
Get $12 In Chase Credit Card Balance Transfer Class Action

Get $12 In Chase Credit Card Balance Transfer Class Action

You can file to get $12 because of a settlement in a class action lawsuit against Chase which alleged the bank enticed customers with promo interest rates on balance transfers, but then didn’t do a good enough job of telling them when the rates would expire. [More]

Credit Card Companies Begin Flirting With Subprime Borrowers Again

Credit Card Companies Begin Flirting With Subprime Borrowers Again

After getting all hot and heavy leading up to the recession, then turning completely cold shoulder, credit card companies are once again starting to selectively flirt with subprime borrowers. [More]

Why You Should Thank BofA For The $5 Debit Card Fee

Why You Should Thank BofA For The $5 Debit Card Fee

Bank of America’s new $5 monthly fee for having a debit card is getting painted as a public enemy, but columnist Michael Hiltzik for the Los Angeles Times says we should be giving it a great big hug. [More]

Stuff You Can Do To Save Money Today

Stuff You Can Do To Save Money Today

If you find yourself in tight financial times, your instinct will probably be to hunt around for ways to cut spending. While it’s tough to make sweeping changes that will result in major savings, you can feel better about yourself by culling together little ways to save here and there. [More]

Large-Scale Expenditures That People Use To Judge You

Large-Scale Expenditures That People Use To Judge You

You tell people a lot about yourself by the way you spend your money. And the larger the expenditure, the more analysis from others the purchase tends to draw. [More]

ATM Council Sues Visa And Mastercard For Forcing Them To Charge Consumers Set Fees

ATM Council Sues Visa And Mastercard For Forcing Them To Charge Consumers Set Fees

Visa and Mastercard have been accused of price fixing in a lawsuit filed Wednesday by the the National ATM Council. The suit alleges that nonbank ATM operators could charge customers lower ATM fees when they use other, cheaper payment networks, but are prevented from this by the set access fees Visa and MasterCard charge. [More]

TCF Bank Adds New $28 Daily Overdrawn Balance Fee

TCF Bank Adds New $28 Daily Overdrawn Balance Fee

Reader Jeff used to intentionally overdraw his bank account in order to have enough money to feed his family and gas the car. At $35 a pop, that’s a pretty cheap loan. But now that’s not going to be a viable option because TCF Bank has started to assess him a daily fee of $28 if his account is overdrawn by $5 or more. [More]

Your Taxes May Go Down Thanks To Prices Going Up

Your Taxes May Go Down Thanks To Prices Going Up

Don’t cry over the price of milk spilling upwards. It could actually mean that you pay lower taxes. [More]

Bank Of America Exec: It Would Be 'Premature' To Eliminate Debit Card Fee

Bank Of America Exec: It Would Be 'Premature' To Eliminate Debit Card Fee

Bank of America’s infamous $5 monthly debit card fee hasn’t quite caused enough backlash to make the bank Qwikster it away. But customers can cling to hope of the bank one day eliminating the fee, because at least an executive has spoken publicly about the hypothetical notion of getting rid of it. [More]

Credit Card Marketer Uses Clever Way To Circumvent New Regs

Credit Card Marketer Uses Clever Way To Circumvent New Regs

Looks like at least one credit card marketer has cooked up a clever way around regulations that forbid unsolicited credit cards from being issued and showing up in your mailbox. [More]

November Fifth Is Bank Transfer Day

November Fifth Is Bank Transfer Day

Remember, remember, the fifth of November, because that’s when “Bank Transfer Day” is happening. By that date, all participants will have closed their big retail bank accounts and put their money in a local non-profit credit union or local or regional community bank. [More]

Non-Credit Union Alternatives To Banks With Monthly Debit Card Fees

Non-Credit Union Alternatives To Banks With Monthly Debit Card Fees

While often the default response online to people looking for something other than a big retail bank to stash their cash is to shout, “Credit union! Credit union!”, they’re not the only game in town. [More]

Negotiate Before You Sign To Get A Better Deal On Your Credit Card

Negotiate Before You Sign To Get A Better Deal On Your Credit Card

Just like some people don’t kiss on the first date, it can be wise to hold out on a potential credit card company. Don’t give it all up, by which I mean your signature, without playing a little hard to get. Instead of replying to the credit card offer immediately or sending in that online application, call them up and negotiate and get a better deal before you hop into bed with them. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

That 401(k) loan may cost more than you realize [Market Watch] “About one in four investors borrow money from their 401(k), but, while such loans have some benefits compared to other sources of credit, they also can hit your retirement savings in unexpected ways.”

Where We Spend: 27 Things That Cost Us More [CBS Money Watch] “While overall spending is down 2% from four years ago, we are shelling out more for certain items each month — 27 things, to be exact.”

4 Ways to Beat Debit Card Fees [Wise Bread] “You don’t need to pay those fees. Here are four ways to avoid them.”

Halloween Spending: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid [Get Rich Slowly] “Who pays $26 for a stegosaurus dog costume?!”

The Only 2 Financial Rules You Need Live By [Money Talks News] “There are two kinds of people: those who think $1,000 is a lot of money, and those who think $10 is a lot of money.”


How Bank Of America Picked $5 As The Debit Card Monthly Fee

How Bank Of America Picked $5 As The Debit Card Monthly Fee

The new $5 monthly fee Bank of America is charging debit card holders wasn’t just picked because the spreadsheet guys really like Subway $5 footlongs. There’s actually a calculation behind it. Here’s the math. [More]

20 Colleges Costing Over $55,000 A Year Total

20 Colleges Costing Over $55,000 A Year Total

In 2007, there was only one college that had a total cost of over $50,000. Now, there are twenty that cost over $55,000. Here they are. [More]

Close Up Loved One's Accounts After They Pass Away

Close Up Loved One's Accounts After They Pass Away

If the responsibility has fallen on your shoulders to close up the accounts and cancel the contracts of a loved one who passed away, it can be a painful, slow, and confusing process. Here are 9 tips to make it go smoother. [More]