
Cash Rebates For New Cars Can Be Used On Old Loan

Cash Rebates For New Cars Can Be Used On Old Loan

Owe more on your old car than it’s worth, but want to buy a new one? Those cash rebates so many car companies are offering on new purchase can be used to pay off your old loan. [Bankrate] (Photo: morsteen)

Markets Rise For 3rd Straight Day

Markets Rise For 3rd Straight Day

Markets rose Thursday for the 3rd straight day. While champagne corks should stay stoppered, that’s still something that hasn’t happened for a long-ass time (January, if we’re going to get technical). [Bloomberg] (Photo: sdsparks)

Videos: Getting Your Property Value Reassessed

Videos: Getting Your Property Value Reassessed

Filing an appeal to get your property value reassessed so you can pay less property taxes appears daunting, but this video series from the California State Board Of Equalization is here to helps walk you through the process. It’s designed for California, but there’s things in here that you can learn from regardless of where you live.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

work [MSN Money] “With more companies in dire straits, raises, health insurance and 401(k) matches are vulnerable to being cut. If they’re not already gone, they could be soon.”

50% Of Americans 2 Paychecks Away From Having Big Financial Problemos

50% Of Americans 2 Paychecks Away From Having Big Financial Problemos

Whatever happened to developing an emergency fund to cover rainy day expenses? Apparently many Americans haven’t heard of this practice (or at least aren’t applying it) and now with the economy in the tanker, their financial lives are hanging by a thread. US News reports that half of Americans are two paychecks away from hardship.

Convert And Combine Your WaMu And Chase Cards

Convert And Combine Your WaMu And Chase Cards

The handover is complete and Chase now officially runs the WaMu credit card operations. Here’s how to combine your WaMu credit lines with your Chase credit lines. [CreditMattersBlog] (Photo: Ed Yourdon)

Scrizzle: New Homeowners Can Get Up To $8000

Scrizzle: New Homeowners Can Get Up To $8000

First-time home buyers can get a tax credit of up to $8,000 thanks to the stimulus bill Obama signed back in February. You qualify if you bought between April 9, 2008, and November 30, 2009. To get the credit, use IRS Form 5405, “First-Time Homebuyer Credit.” Since house prices are going down, the credit isn’t anything to go and sign for a new crib this afternoon. But if you already got a home or were planning to, it’s extra jingle in your coin-purse.

Senators Propose Financial Product Safety Commission

Senators Propose Financial Product Safety Commission

Senators Durbin and Schumer today proposed making a “Financial Product Safety Commission.” (an idea originally put out there by the super-awesome Elizabeth Warren 2 years ago). Shumer likened it to the Wild West days of medicine in the 1900s when snakeoil got peddled from street corners and magazines, saying, “Those who sell quack financial products in the 21st century” should be “reined in, not with disclosure, but with real limits.” If it comes to fruition, hopefully unlike other government protection agencies it will be staffed by consumer advocates instead of industry insiders.

Citi "Homeowner Helper" Site Merely Potemkin Village?

Citi "Homeowner Helper" Site Merely Potemkin Village?

Did Citi set up its “homeowner helper” site to comply with Obama’s mortgage assistance programs, but then not actually attach it to any humans that will help homeowners? After inputting his info on the site, Citi told reader CoarseLive to schedule an appointment with a representative. No one ever called him. When he tried calling Citi directly, multiple agents told him they had no idea what he was talking about, and they hung up on him, again and again. His story, inside…

Stocks: Old Bulls Losing Their Steam

Stocks: Old Bulls Losing Their Steam

Even eternal stock market optimists are losing their nerve these days, but Fidelity’s Peter Lynch still says, “But at some point in the future, I think you’ll look back and see that we’ve gotten through this,” and that “stocks turned out to be the best bet.” Personally, I’ve started to look at it as throwing money down a magic wishing well, or planting magic seeds that will take 10 years to grow (it’s amazing how adding the word “magic” to anything makes it a little more psychologically palatable). [NYT] (Photo: ynskjen)

How To Make Sure You're Not Paying $3.02 Per Minute For Cellular Service

How To Make Sure You're Not Paying $3.02 Per Minute For Cellular Service

As we noted yesterday, the average cellphone user is paying at least fifty cents to one dollar per minute because they’re only using 32% of their minutes. To make sure you’re on the plan with the best value, services like BillShrink and MyValidas can help you analyze your cellphone bill and see which plan you should switch to based on your actual minutes used.

Ladder Your CDs For Fun And Profit

Ladder Your CDs For Fun And Profit

Here’s a way to get around the worst part of CDs (certificates of deposit) which give you a higher guaranteed interest rate but lock your money in for a certain period of time: Make a ladder!

Visa And Capcom Announce Street Fighter Hyper Fee Edition Card

Visa And Capcom Announce Street Fighter Hyper Fee Edition Card

Video game maker Capcom has partnered with Visa to offer a pre-paid debit card with so many fees that it will shrink your wallet from an E. Honda to a Dhalsim. The hurricane kick of fees, inside.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

7 Things to Leave Off Your Resume [US News] “What you omit from your resume can be just as important as what you include.”

Hey, Look On The Bright Side!

Hey, Look On The Bright Side!

Anyone had enough bad news lately about the economy? Layoffs, the stock market diving, bailouts, government debt, the housing crisis — all of it can add up to some pretty somber feelings. And the fact that it’s been going on for awhile now can drag anyone down. We’re not going totally Pollyanna on you, but we do share the sentiments of the Wall Street Journal that maybe we should stop complaining and be a bit thankful. Turns out that doing so could put you in the middle of a growing trend:

Citibank Reinstates Credit Limits If You Ask

Citibank Reinstates Credit Limits If You Ask

Like many credit cards, Citibank is cutting people’s credit limits left and right but apparently if you call up and ask to get your credit limit back to where it was, they’ll do it for you. Classic tactic: Conduct adverse action, easily fix it for the small amount of people who complain, profit from the difference. As ever, squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Certificates Of Deposit Aren't Risk-Free

Certificates Of Deposit Aren't Risk-Free

With the stock market gyrating wilder than a dashboard hula doll, you probably want an investment that won’t depress you when you open the paper. Certificates of Deposit or “CDs,” an insured savings account with a guaranteed interest rate may sound like the antidote, but even they are not without risk.