Even though the National Football League currently paints itself as a player-friendly organization that puts safety above the base thrill of seeing a dude repeatedly getting his bell rung, the league has a long history of not only ignoring the issue but actively seeking to smother scientific research linking the sport to devastating longterm brain damage. A newly released Congressional investigation appears to confirm earlier news reports claiming that the NFL isn’t done trying to insert itself into research that could have an impact on the country’s most popular team sport. [More]
money talks

Internet Money Guys Start Asking The FCC Not To Implement Net Neutrality
Net neutrality has already made a lot of enemies, and the new rule hasn’t even been implemented yet. Along with big ISP lawsuits and hostility in the House, the FCC’s Open Internet Rule is now facing pushback from some of the big money entrepreneurs who make the internet their business. [More]

Comcast Goes On Capitol Hill Spending Spree In Advance Of Merger Hearings
It may be a coincidence that Comcast’s proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable is occurring during the lead-up to a midterm election season where candidates from both parties need cash to hold on to their seats in the Congress and Senate, but that very need for funds is giving the Kabletown Krew a good opportunity to grease the wheels on Capitol Hill. [More]