
Fight The Power! Email Your Verizon Ringtone To Yourself.

Fight The Power! Email Your Verizon Ringtone To Yourself.

Now that Verizon has defined the list of prohibited ring tone terms for their network, everyone who wants a ringtone of someone screaming “Sit on my face with your teabagging ruby red bag!” is going to have to learn to make their own. Jamster can no longer supply.

My Mom On Buying A Cell Phone In The States

My Mom On Buying A Cell Phone In The States

John Brownlee here. I just want to tell you all that I love my Mom. A four foot eleven firecracker who followed her recent stroke up with a healthy regime of climbing up twenty foot ladders to chainsaw branches down from the roof, she’s a hell of a girl.

Verizon Wireless Doesn’t Want Your Money

Verizon Wireless Doesn’t Want Your Money

Consumers Protest Exorbitant Text Message Prices

Consumers Protest Exorbitant Text Message Prices

Here in America, we’re in the digital stone age, at least as far as how widespread the adoption of some cool new technologies are. There’s not universal broadband (which the US Government paid the telcos to implement; instead they built up more DSL because there’s more money to be made on it), wi-fi coverage is intermittent and text message use is a lot less pervasive than in most European countries. In Italy they have tons of teenagers showing up in hospitals with repetive stress injuries directly resulting from punching out reams of text messages.