Sometimes you just need a little wine. But word to the wise: don’t steal it from the winery you used to co-own and definitely don’t come back to said winery the next day wielding a hammer and tormenting the employees. If you do you might end up like a Texas restaurateur who was arrested twice in three days last week. [More]

11-Year-Old Destroys $36,000 Worth Of MacBooks By Peeing On Them
If smoking near your computer turns it into a biohazard, what does urinating on it do? According to local police, a Pennsylvania elementary school found out when an 11-year-old student emptied his bladder on a cart full of MacBooks. This hilarious prank destroyed more than $36,000 worth of computers. [More]

Dairy Queen Owner Exclaims "Good God Almighty, Where's My Manager?" After Workers Moon Drive-Thru Window
Hey St. John’s Dairy Queen workers, you forgot to make your Facebook group private. Now your hilarious little videos of each other mooning the drive-thru and waging indoor snowball fights are all over Canadian television. They just don’t understand your jokes about “using meat the next day that wasn’t kept overnight in the cooler.” Neither do the health inspectors.