POM Wonderful snagged a legal win today in one of its two ongoing cases: The U.S. Supreme Court sided with the juice maker in its decision, which said that POM can proceed with a lawsuit alleging that the label on Coca-Cola’s “Pomegranate Blueberry” is misleading because most of the drink is actually made of grape and apple juice. [More]
minute maid

Supreme Court: POM Wonderful Can Go Ahead And Sue Coca-Cola Over Lack Of Pomegranates In Its Juice

Supreme Court Justices Grill Coca-Cola Over Scarcity Of Pomegranates In Pomegranate Juice
As the top judicial body in the land, the United States Supreme Court has asked some pretty tough questions in its day. But yesterday the justices had a question for Coca-Cola that doesn’t seem like it should be so tricky: Shouldn’t a juice labeled as “pomegranate and blueberry” actually include a fair amount of, um, pomegranates? And blueberries? [More]

Coca-Cola Tests Vending Machine That Changes Price Based On The Weather
When it’s hot as heckfire outside, an ice-cold beverage really hits the spot for most people; not so much when there’s a foot of snow on the ground. That’s why Coca-Cola has been testing a vending machine in Spain that charges a different price depending on the weather. [More]

Jury: No Damages For Allegedly Rat-Infested Lemonade
How does a dead, decomposing rat end up in a can of frozen lemonade? It doesn’t, argued Coca-Cola, parent company of Minute Maid, defending itself in a civil lawsuit in New Hampshire this week. A woman claimed that the frozen lemonade she bought for a party contained a rat with a side helping of maggots, and the experience has left her unable to buy frozen food. [More]

Customer Claims To Have Discovered This… Thing… Inside Minute Maid Juice Container
We know that compromised juice containers can turn a pleasant beverage into a mold-apalooza, but we’ve never seen anything like this before. [More]

Florida Department Of Citrus Sends List Of Facts About Orange Juice
The Florida Department of Citrus sent over a few paragraphs of information in response to my post, “The Flavor Of Your OJ Is A Chemically-Induced Mirage” from last week. [More]

The Flavor Of Your OJ Is A Chemically-Induced Mirage
There’s a dirty secret in your glass of orange juice. Even though it says “not from concentrate,” it probably sat in a large vat for up to year with all the oxygen removed from it. This allows it to be preserved and dispensed all year-round. Taking out all the O2 also gets rid of all the flavor. So the juice makers have to add the flavors back in using preformulated recipes full of chemicals called “flavor packs.” Mmm, delicious, fresh-squeezed ethyl-butyrate! [More]

Coca-Cola Redesigns Fruit Juice Cartons To Emphasize Fruit
One year after Tropicana’s disastrous redesign of their orange juice packaging, Coca-Cola is debuting a redesign of the cartons in their various lines of fruit juices. Coke’s key advantage: the new design isn’t hideously ugly.