United Airlines is a slut. The airline has been talking merger with US Airways, even going so far as to make it clear that US Airways CEO Doug “I’m OK To Drive” Parker can be the CEO of the combined company when United boss Glenn Tilton retires, says Reuters. Meanwhile, while the airline has been talking marriage, family and kids with Parker, it has been negotiating with Continental on the side — trying to form an “alliance” of some kind. Continental, of course, is already dating American AND British Airways!
mergers and acquisitions
Blockbuster + Circuit City = "Exclusive Content and Content-Enabled Devices"
Blockbuster has recently drawn the ire of movie enthusiasts by inking “exclusive” rental deals with the likes of IFC. The upshot of this deal is that Blockbuster will retain the exclusive physical rental distribution rights for IFC titles for three years after each street date. Why is this important? Because Blockbuster CEO Jim Keyes wants to buy Circuit City for the following reason:
Thanks, Bank of America: "I Deposited A Check That Dosen't Exist, And I Have A Receipt."
It seems that everything isn’t going so swimmingly during the transition from LaSalle Bank to Bank of America. One reader says that a check he deposited and has a receipt for has mysteriously disappeared…
The Ultimate Airline Bankruptcy And Merger Cheat Sheet
Thinking of taking a trip but can’t remember which airlines are bankrupt and which ones are part of Delta? We know it can be difficult—that’s why we’ve put together a little cheat sheet to help you get through this time of uncertainty.
Northwest Airlines Breaks The Bad News To Its Frequent Fliers
We hope all you Northwest Airlines frequent fliers secretly had a thing for Delta, because you’ve been merged.
Rumors on the Internets: T-Mobile may be consider buying Sprint in order to keep the company from lowering its prices and triggering a price war, says Merrill Lynch. “In such a price war scenario, we think T-Mobile would face the most pressure, and Deutsche Telekom would see the increased urgency to drive market repair,” the firm’s analysts said.
Zipcar’s merger with Flexcar isn’t going very well in Seattle where the company’s brilliant first step has been to piss off most of their new customers by unexpectedly denying them access to cars during the long weekend. [The Stranger] (Thanks, denali!)
Delta To Ask Northwest To The Prom, United And Continental May Drunkenly Hook Up
Here’s the state of the airline merger party.
BREAKING: Bank Of America Buys Countrywide, CEO Gets Up To $115 Million Parachute
Hey there, sports fans: Bank of America will buy everyone’s favorite evidence-forging subprime lender, Countrywide for a cool $4 billion dollars.
Bank Of America May Buy Countrywide
Marketwatch says that Bank of America is in “advanced” talks to acquire Countrywide. No word on if said talks took place on Vader’s Star Destoyer or on Captain Hook’s pirate ship. Bank of America already bailed out Countrywide last year, chucking $2 billion into the troubled mortgage lender in exchange for preferred securities that could be converted into stock at $18. Countrywide is currently trading at around $7.75.
The F.T.C. has approved Google’s merger with DoubleClick. [NYT]
Lufthansa is buying a stake in JetBlue, says the New York Times. [NYT]
US Airlines CEO Eagerly Anticipating Inevitable Merger Party
Reuters has an extensive summary of a speech by US Airways CEO Doug “I’m OK To Drive” Parker in which he salivates over the inevitable merger party that is coming soon the airline industry.
Mergers & Acquisitions: Sears tries to buy Restoration Hardware, Restoration Hardware resists. [The Street]
Are Delta And United Talking Mergers? Romantic Dinners? Long Walks On The Beach?
The New York Times tells us that Pardus Capital Management, a hedge fund, has sent a letter to the management of Delta Air Lines asking it to seek a merger with UAL, the parent of United Airlines.
Clorox Buys Burt's Bees
Clorox is sick of being unnatural so it’s going to pay $925 million in cash for natural skin care products manufacturer Burt’s Bees.
Already struggling private clubs in Chicago fear stingy Bank of America will cut perks LaSalle gave to executives, including expensive health club memberships. Where does the $3 ATM fee go, anyway? Oh well, it’s hard to feel too bad for them. [Chicago Tribune]
Gateway, Acer, Packard Bell To Merge, Form Voltron
Acer is buying Gateway for $710 million. Meanwhile, Gateway has just offered to buy Packard Bell for $100 million, according to MSNBC.