The FDA is having a hearing to determine whether or not it should ban the sale of menthol cigarettes. The Tobacco Control Act already banns most tobacco flavorings, but does not include menthol — which makes up about one third of the $70 billion cigarette business. [More]

Only Apply Vicks VapoRub Under Your Nose If You LOVE Mucus
Dr. Bruce Rubin, “a longtime mucus researcher,” has found a potential link between Vicks VapoRub and surging rivers of mucus.

Don't Use Nivea Men's "Cool" Body Wash On Your Junk
Reader Keith wrote to us with a cautionary tale regarding Nivea men’s “cool” body wash. To Keith’s surprise, the product contains menthol which had an adverse effect when he used it on his body, specifically, his genitals. Much like the old Icy Hot in the the jock strap trick, it made his boys burn. To dispel any doubters, Keith says, “And no I do not have an STD, this is Nivea body wash related.” His letter, inside…

Addicted to Cool: Menthol Cigarettes Are Harder to Quit
Is the minty freshness of menthol cigarettes more addicting than regular cigarettes?