Don’t you just hate all that noise your memory cards make? No? Then you probably aren’t going to want to buy Sony’s new $160 memory cards, which the company brags offers “Premium Sound” that generates less electrical noise when reading data. [More]
memory cards

Sony Isn’t Sure People Want To Pay $160 For A Quieter Memory Card, Is Going To Sell’em Anyway

Nintendo Scratches My 3DS And Loses Data During Repair, Shrugs
Initially, Shawn thought that Nintendo had done a really great job repairing his 3DS. The control pad was working nicely. Only something wasn’t right: the pouch was missing where the SD memory card should have been. There was also a scratch on the device that hadn’t been there before. Cards themselves are cheap: it’s the data that’s irreplaceable, and that’s already gone. So what’s Shawn so upset about? Mostly that no one at Nintendo will admit that anything went wrong. [More]

Amazon 'Pricing Error' Leads To Graphics Card Preorder Cancellations
Online deal-hunters are furious that Amazon priced a graphics card at $175, only to be so overwhelmed with pre-orders that it canceled them and hiked the price to above $250. [More]