
My Experience With Socialized Health Care

My Experience With Socialized Health Care

Reason Online has an article up detailing California’s plan to institute a socialized health care system by making private health care completely illegal. If you can ignore the advertisement of a half-naked, homoerotic ape dry humping the floor, follow the link to read the article.

Amedeo Challenge: Free Internet Medical Textbooks

Amedeo Challenge: Free Internet Medical Textbooks

G-8 Nations To Subsidize Affordable Vaccines

This really does seem like a pretty good idea:

Wellpoint Says Anesthesia Unnecessary in Colonoscopies

We’re posting this not simply because it involves the wistful dream of the CEO of a major medical insurance company taking it up the can, but also for the remarkably vivid lead-in: “Mr. Insurance Company CEO … when you get your colonoscopy, are YOU going to go without the sedative?”

Your Heart Has Been Recalled

The Food and Drug Administration has warned Guidant that, in the agency’s opinion, it has not resolved the manufacturing problems detected in an earlier inspection. In a letter to the company, the FDA said that would likely result in restrictions on its ability to bring new heart devices to the market…

No Money in Curing AIDS

Hey, AIDS sufferers! Better stock up on aspirin. There’s just not enough money is curing your often fatal disease, says the federal chief of AIDS research, Dr. Edmund Tramont.

“If we look at the vaccine, HIV vaccine, we’re going to have an HIV vaccine. It’s not going to be made by a company,” Tramont said. “They’re dropping out like flies because there’s no real incentive for them to do it. We have to do it.”

Of course, the pharmaceutical researchers deny that they’re dragging their feet.

NyQuil Minus Pseudoephedrine: Now Pseudoeffective

NyQuil Minus Pseudoephedrine: Now Pseudoeffective

When once we were Tiny Consumerists who ate dirt, our sniffling noses and mild fevers were accompanied by dread. Would we be subjected to that foul syrup Nyquil, the vile tincture that tasted like candied anise melted between the assfolds of Sammy Davis Jr’s scotch-soaked corpse? Even with a milk chaser and the (inexplicably effective) soothing sound of a running tap, we could barely choke it back. This quickly bred our propensity for bucking up, which will be useful come the day when we are dying of lung cancer and Gawker Media still doesn’t offer insurance.