With the Affordable Care Act in limbo, and the details of the Republican repeal-and-replace plans still not fully known, a growing number of Americans are turning to crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe or YouCaring to raise money to cover their medical bills. [More]
medical costs

Hospital Chain Inflated Bills, Pressured Doctors Into Generating Admissions, Lawsuits Claim
There are many accusations of money-grubbing in the health care industry. Most of them are subtle: a preferred medication here, a handshake behind closed doors there. But actually hanging a chart on the wall and proudly color-coding your ER doctors like car salesmen based on how high their admission rates are? That’s about as in-your-face as the pursuit of profit gets. [More]

Walmart Won't Add Many Future Part-Timers To Health Insurance Rolls
In health insurance-aimed cost-cutting maneuvers, Walmart won’t subsidize health insurance for future employees who work fewer than 24 hours a week. Also, new part-timers who work fewer than 33 weekly hours won’t be able to add spouses to their plans. And like workers at most any other company, full-timers with complete health benefits will have more deducted from their paychecks. [More]

For Extremely Obese, Surgery Can Shrink Costs As Well As Pants Size
Although weight-loss aiding gastric bypass and gastric band surgeries are expensive, they can save big bucks for not only those who undergo the procedures but, more importantly, taxpayers who fund costly fatty maintenance via Medicare.