When someone asks you if you want to go to IKEA, does your brain translate that question as, “Do I want meatballs?” You’re not alone, unsurprisingly, as many shoppers head to the Swedish retailer’s stores just for the food offered in its restaurants. IKEA knows this, which is why its giving those dine-in eateries a makeover in the U.S. [More]

IKEA Giving All U.S. Restaurants A Makeover Because Plenty Of Shoppers Are Just There For The Food Anyway

IKEA Starts Serving Vegan Meatlessballs Tomorrow At In-Store Restaurants
Earlier this year, IKEA announced it would finally be serving up a vegan version of its popular Swedish meatballs in its in-store eateries. And starting tomorrow, IKEA shoppers now have the option of going vegan, eating Grönksakbullar, which are meat-free balls, while shopping for Ektorps and Kragstas. [More]

IKEA Adding Vegan Meatlessballs To Store Restaurant Menus
Lovers of foodballs that are not made of meat, rejoice: After shutting out vegetarians from the IKEA meatball club, the Swedish furniture giant says it’ll be introducing vegan meatless meatballs, or just vegan balls, if you will (and I will) this spring. [More]

IKEA Bringing Meatballs Back To The Menu In Europe After Horsemeat Scare
Who’s hungry for some IKEA meatballs? They’re back on the menu in Europe. Before you get all squirrelly about it in the stomach region due to that horsemeat scare that caused the home goods store to stop selling them in Europe, relax. The chain says its new approach to food is “farm to fork.” Ostensibly, horse farms are not included. [More]

This Subway Meatball Isn't For Kids!
It’s great that everyone’s concerned about keeping kids healthy and all, but Jay says the woman working at his local Subway put her foot down on his request for a meatball sandwich for his kid. He says she told him, “You can get ham or turkey but no meatball.” Kids don’t need meatballs! [More]