Washington state’s first bunch of licensed retail marijuana sellers are slated to open on July 8. But when they do, it looks like they might not be selling a wide variety of pot-infused edibles that don’t meet new packaging guidelines intended to make sure that the products A) aren’t marketed to kids, and B) won’t be confused with other snacks that don’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol. [More]
maureen dowd

Maureen Dowd Says Maybe Her Pot-Munching Experience Was “Ill-Advised”
After New York Times’ Maureen Dowd wrote about her epic freakout in Colorado after eating what was apparently too much of a marijuana-filled chocolate bar, she’s responding to the buzz by admitting that maybe chowing down on that treat was a bit “ill-advised.” [More]

New York Times’ Maureen Dowd Eats Pot Candy Bar In Colorado And Totally Freaks Out
When well-known New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd eats edible marijuana in Colorado and freaks out about it, you better believe she’s going to write about it. You’ve might’ve heard of her tale of paranoia and extreme anxiety, because it seems like everyone else is freaking out about it, too. Of course, that’s not the actual point of her opinion piece. [More]