If you’re shopping for Right Guard deodorant at Walmart, be careful before you pick up that twin-pack thinking that, like the packaging says, you’ll “Buy 2 and Save.” Because if you do the math, you’ll realize you’ve just saved yourself out of $.97. [More]
math is hard

Family Circle Redefines "Free" As "Full Price"
Consumerist reader Mike C. has got quite the sharp eye when it comes to spotting math mess-ups: He sent us this picture of a “free year” subscription offer from Family Circle. Only problem is, there’s absolutely nothing free about this deal. [More]

Rite-Aid Puts Aspirin On Sale For $3 More Than Regular Price
Consumerist reader Uriah was shopping at his local Rite-Aid when he spotted something strange about the big yellow sale tag on this bottle of aspirin. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the huge sale price of $9.99 wasn’t such a good deal… because it’s $3 higher than the $6.99 the aspirin usually goes for. [More]

Citi Demands You Pay $0 Or They Will Foreclose On Your House
In these tough times, homeowners with difficulties paying their mortgage dread receiving that letter from the bank informing them that their loan is in default. Except for Consumerist reader Ryan, who recently got some certified mail from CitiMortgages telling him his home was at risk of foreclosure, unless he immediately forked over $0.00 [More]

Survey: Politicians Pretty Much Suck At Paying Taxes
Following up on the multiple Obama nominees who’ve had tax troubles, Politico asked the 99 members of the Senate whether they’ve ever had mistakes on their tax returns or filed back taxes. Yes and yes.