Former pharmaceuticals executive, convicted fraudster, enemy of spellcheck, and online troll Martin Shkreli appears to be selling the sole copy of a Wu-Tang Clan album he famously purchased for a reported $2 million in 2015. And in true Pharma Bro fashion, the album isn’t being sold through some fancy auction house, but via eBay. [More]
Martin Shkreli

Convicted Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli Appears To Be Selling His Rare Wu-Tang Clan Album On eBay

Price-Hiking Pharma Bro Ignores Lawyers’ Advice To Shut Up
As a defense attorney, you can tell your clients to stop talking to the press and trolling online, but they don’t necessarily have to listen to you. Attorneys for price-hiking pharma bro and Wu-Tang Clan enthusiast Martin Shkreli haven’t been able to keep him quiet, which may be a problem in his trial for securities fraud that begins today. [More]

Former CEO Martin Shkreli Now Has An Entire — Unflattering — Musical About Him
Did you somehow become comfortably lulled into thinking 2016 had already crested Peak Weird? If so, you clearly got there a little too early. Today’s case in point: The ousted CEO that America loves to hate, Martin Shkreli, is back in the news this month… as the villain of an off-Broadway musical. [More]

Martin Shkreli Pleads The Fifth To Everything, Even When Asked About Wu-Tang Clan
Like a small child who refuses to eat his dinner but remains steadfast at his seat until his parents finally relent and let him go to his room, controversial pharmaceuticals investor Martin Shkreli — best known for jacking up the price of an important HIV treatment by 5,400% in a single day — sat before a Congressional panel this morning and repeatedly cited his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, even when it involved his expensive taste in hip-hop. [More]

Martin Shkreli Terminated From Another CEO Gig Following Fraud Charges
Things continue to unravel for Martin Shkreli, best known as the guy whose company bought the rights to a previously affordable, life-saving generic drug, then increased its price by 5,400% overnight. After being arrested last week in an unrelated securities-fraud investigation, the “pharma bro” has lost his spanking-new job as CEO of KaloBios Pharmaceuticals. [More]

One Day After Arrest For Securities Fraud, Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli Resigns
A day after he was arrested as part of a securities-fraud investigation, Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli is no longer the company’s head executive. [More]

CEO Who Hiked Price Of Drug By Over 5400% Arrested In Unrelated Securities-Fraud Investigation
Three months after Turing Pharmaceuticals entered the spotlight by buying the rights to a generic drug used to save lives and dramatically increased the price from $13.50 to $750, the company’s CEO has been arrested in a securities-fraud investigation. However, the charges are related to another company the man once led. [More]