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Sears And Kmart Want To Buy Your Gold

Sears And Kmart Want To Buy Your Gold

The next time you want to sell some old gold jewelry, you can just take it to your nearest Kmart or Sears. The retailers have announced a partnership with something called Pro Gold Network, which basically amounts to, “You can pick up a mailer and instructions at our jewelry departments.” Remember, though, that mail-in services almost always pay less than what you can get locally from a jeweler or pawn shop, or by selling to a refinery directly. Here’s what Pro Gold Network will pay so you can compare rates. [More]

Amazon Offers Mail-In "Instant Rebate"

Amazon Offers Mail-In "Instant Rebate"

Two days ago, Shawn bought a video card from Amazon and was surprised when the advertised “Instant Rebate” con_tinyamazoninstantrebatebadge.gif wasn’t applied to his shopping cart. Turns out, it’s a mail-in rebate, sorry for the confusion. Unfortunately Amazon still hasn’t corrected the error as of the timestamp on this post, despite assuring him two days ago that they’d remove the icon. Remember to always click the “Rebate” link to see the actual details of the offer—it’s not listed on the main product page, and mistakes happen.