The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are a brave team of retail explorers who comb the world’s electronics departments for surprisingly old technology at surprisingly high prices. Today’s find is a copy of the football simulator Madden that shouldn’t exist, and certainly shouldn’t still be available at its original retail price. [More]

Original Madden Video Game Creator Sues EA For Billions
Sports simulation games take strides to replicate their real-life counterparts, but Madden NFL game publisher EA would rather not be facing a legal dispute that somewhat echoes the NFL’s labor troubles. [More]

Madden Video Game Will Come Out Whether Or Not There's An NFL Season
Regardless of whether or not NFL owners and players can make nice in time for there to be a football season, all will proceed as normal in video game world. [More]

NFL, Electronic Arts Extend Madden Exclusivity Deal
If you like video games and football, you’d better like the Madden NFL series as well, because that’s the only franchise the league will allow to boast games that include authentic teams and players. [More]

Madden Fans, EA Has Plans To Further Exploit You
EA Sports president Peter Moore, whose Madden monopoly has gamers in a chokehold, isn’t happy with just being the only game in town. According to a Joystiq report on Moore’s statements at the Morgan Stanley Technology Conference Monday, Moore said in so many words that he hopes to further nickel-and-dime Madden players with downloadable content. [More]

Madden Blitzing Gamers With In-Game Ads
A recent update has apparently released a downloadable patch on Madden NFL 10 that forces players to stare at ads before every snap, Ripten reports. [More]

Browns Fan's Case Against EA Dismissed, Will Probably Be Settled
It looks like Big Dawg is getting his.

Browns Fan Sues Because Madden Game Shows His Iconic Mask
Cleveland Browns fanatic John “Big Dawg” Thompson, famous for wearing an intimidating bulldog mask in Cleveland’s rowdy Dawg Pound section, is suing Electronic Arts for using his likeness in the Madden NFL 10 video game, several video game blogs are reporting..

Sports Illustrated Makes You Wait For Your Free Madden
Chad spotted a slight catch in that awe-inspiring Sports Illustrated/Madden promotion, in which you buy a 28-issue subscription for $50 and get a free copy of Madden NFL 10.

Sports Illustrated Offers Alluring Bribe To Potential Subscribers
Sports Illustrated has thought of a clever way to boost its subscriber rate among the younger demographic — give away the consistently bestselling Madden NFL video game with a subscription. For a $50 28-issue subscription you get Madden NFL 10 on any current system. And you also get a bonus NFL Films DVD.

14 Year-Old Boy Buys “Madden ’07”; Gets Porn
Seriously what is up with people putting porn in boxes and returning them to the store? A 14 year-old kid in Utah bought Madden ’07, opened it up and found porn. EA has apologized and both they and Circuit City are looking into how porn got into the Madden game.