While many of us are ditching landlines in favor of wireless, a large portion of the country still has some sort of terrestrial home phone. But what’s surprising is just how many folks out there are still paying every month to lease their phones. [More]
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MagicJack Loses Some of Its Money-Making Mojo
The company behind MagicJack, the $40 USB device that “makes monthly phone bills disappear” for consumers, is about see something else go up in smoke: Its own revenues. [More]

Flashback To 2007: Stephen Colbert On AT&T's Formation
It seems like only yesterday that Cingular gobbled up AT&T Wireless, becoming the AT&T Wireless that we know and love today. Now that they’ve proposed bringing T-Mobile USA into the family, we can’t help but remember this classic clip from “The Colbert Report” from 2007 — way back when no one had ever heard of a toxic asset, and the original iPhone was enthralling new technology. [More]

Biz Columnist Changes His Mind, Now Says "Carriers Need Regulation"
You know telecoms are behaving badly when a business columnist who just a year ago argued for a hands-off government approach has reversed his opinion. “I’ve changed my mind,” he writes. “The behavior of the top telecommunications companies, especially Verizon Communications and AT&T, has convinced me that more government involvement is needed to keep communications free of corporate interference.”

Sorry Californians, AT&T Will Raise Your Rates Unless You Sign Up For Bundled Services
AT&T has raised the price of call waiting, call forwarding, and caller ID by $1.01 per month for all California customers that do not subscribe to a service bundle. This marks AT&T’s second rate hike since the California Public Utilities Commission stopped regulating phone rates last summer in the name of “promoting competition.” AT&T is not hesitant to admit that the rate increases are designed to prod consumers into signing up for bundled phone and internet packages: