It took 55 years to get there, but a wedding ring lost in a plane crash in the woods in Washington state has found its way back to the family of the woman who owned it. A logger found the ring in 1997, and just recently tracked down the daughter of a couple killed in a plane crash in 1959. [More]
lost & found

Logger Finds Wedding Ring Lost 55 Years Ago In Plane Crash, Spends 17 Years In Quest To Return It

Sherlock The Beagle Will Return The Items You Left On The Plane – If You’re In Amsterdam, That Is
Have you ever stepped off a plane only to realize that you left something behind? That shock of panic you typically feel may be a little less jarring if you’re flying Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam Airport Schipol, thanks in part to the airlines new lost and found service that employs a friendly, furry, four-legged secret weapon. [More]

Husband Hunts Down Special Coin For His Wife After She Uses It At Toll Booth
Finding one coin among all the others filling the coffers of toll booths is kind of like finding a needle in a haystack. Or really, it’s like finding one particular coin out of a bunch of others. But that’s just what one husband did after his wife had to use a coin with sentimental value to pay a toll. [More]