lost bag

Ben Kepes

United Mistakenly Removes Carry-On Bag, Stranding Man At Airport For 20 Hours

A United Airlines passenger from New Zealand found himself stranded at a San Francisco airport for 20 hours this week; not because of weather, or mechanical issues, or any sort of attempt to reenact the 2004 Tom Hanks comedy The Terminal.  No, his prolonged stay in airport purgatory was thanks to a United employee who mistakenly removed the man’s carry-on bag from his flight.  [More]

Even Airline CEOs Aren’t Immune To Carriers Losing Their Bags

Even Airline CEOs Aren’t Immune To Carriers Losing Their Bags

When talking about the airline you run, it probably isn’t the best idea to start out by recounting how said carrier misplaced your bags on your latest flight. Unless, maybe, you’re trying to seem relatable and let consumers know that accidents happen. But even then, it can’t be anything less than embarrassing.  [More]