For years, Walmart has been offering ways for customers to shop online and pick up in stores. But Walmart’s new idea to attract online shoppers flips things on their ear by using its retail stores as the places where you return unwanted online purchases. [More]
looking to the future

The Average Nursing Home Room Now Costs Nearly $100K Per Year
Sure, you might be a spry 30-something living your best life, leaving the future for the future. But a new report suggests you might want to start planning for you later years, as the costs of long-term care are surging and don’t appear to be stabilizing anytime soon. [More]

Feds Release Guidelines For Self-Driving Cars, But Does It Really Matter Yet?
While we might dream of a day where we can sit behind the wheel of a vehicle reading a book or watching a movie, all while the car drives itself, that day remains many moons away. But here’s the thing about technology — it changes, and it changes quickly. To that end, federal safety regulators are working to ensure that carmakers create safe systems to prepare for the day that self-driving vehicles are actually on the road. There’s a catch, though: It’s all voluntary. [More]

6 Things We Learned About Walmart’s Love-Hate Relationship With Online Sales
Despite decades of being the biggest name in bricks-and-mortar retail, Walmart has yet to repeat that success online. The company recently went on an e-commerce buying spree — snapping up, ModCloth, MooseJaw, ShoeBuy, and possibly Bonobos — but will that be enough to compete with Amazon? [More]

Amazon Now Working On Self-Driving Vehicles For Deliveries
Between drones, leased planes, and its own fleet of Flex drivers, Amazon has a decent foothold in the transportation-and-delivery market. But now the company apparently has an eye on the future, and it involves driverless vehicles. [More]

Sprint Reportedly Talking To White House About Possible Merger With Comcast Or T-Mobile
In recent weeks, President Trump has repeatedly mentioned promised investments and jobs from Sprint and its parent company Softbank. Now the wireless provider is reportedly hoping to eventually turn that goodwill — and the Trump administration’s light-touch approach to regulation — into a mega merger, possibly with T-Mobile, Comcast, or others. [More]