It’s understandable that someone would harbor a lifelong love of the opera, an affection that could lead one to wish they could stay at the theater forever. But New York police say one opera fan’s expression of devotion went a step too far when he scattered what seems to have been his mentor’s ashes during a performance at the Metropolitan Opera. [More]
location location location

Best Buy Picks The Perfect Place To Tell Customers It Doesn't Suck As Much As GameStop
If you’re going to pick a location to try to turn people away from a GameStop store, it would be right outside that store’s front door. Or maybe the big empty wall directly next to it. [More]

Microsoft Sets Up Hut Outside Apple Store To Poach Customers
Figuring that if you can’t bring others’ customers to you, it’s best to go to them, Microsoft is trying to draw interest in its new emporium by setting up a hut outside a Seattle Apple Store. The hut, which is promoting the Xbox 360’s Kinect peripheral, is an attempt to advertise an upcoming Microsoft store to the throngs of iPhone 4S buyers. [More]

Diet Coke's Anti-Starbucks Ad Finds Perfect Home On Wall Outside Starbucks
Here in NYC, there are countless surfaces available for slapping your ads onto. So for its slam on Starbucks, the folks at Diet Coke picked the perfect spot: on the same building as Starbucks. [More]