When you’re hosting a party and notice that the alcoholic beverages are running a little low, you might momentarily panic: who in their right mind wants to leave such a great shindig to go on a beer run? No one, that’s who. And now, with the long-awaited addition of alcohol delivery to Amazon’s one- or two-hour Prime Now service, no one has to… unless you live outside of Seattle, in which case you still have to go to the store. [More]
liquor license

Alcohol-Serving Taco Bell Will Abide By Hour Restrictions, Staff Security Guards
Don’t even think about getting a bit unruly at the soon-to-open boozy Taco Bell, because you’ll be under the watchful eye of a security guard. [More]

Taco Bell Confirms A Boozy Menu At Soon-To-Open Chicago Location
Nothing goes better with a chalupa than a nice glass of red wine. Okay, we don’t actually know that, but we do know that the pairing will certainly be an option at Taco Bell’s new Chicago location. [More]

New Chicago Taco Bell Could Be Company’s First To Sell Alcohol
Want an ice-cold beer to wash down that Doritos Locos Taco? If city permits and licenses are to be believed, a new Taco Bell in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood may be the first to let you live that dream. [More]

US Airways Denied New Mexico Liquor License
Sorry alcoholics, US Airways is now banned from serving alcohol on all flights to and from New Mexico. The state Regulation and Licensing Department had already denied the airline a temporary liquor license in June after US Airways served alcohol to a passenger who later crashed his car, killing a family of five. The Licensing Department yesterday rejected the airline’s permanent application, claiming that it:
…cannot reasonably find that approval of application will protect the public health and safety or that it is in the public interest.