Last October, a federal court shut down peer-to-peer file-sharing service LimeWire. Yesterday, the defunct company agreed to fork over $105 million to to settle a copyright infringement suit brought by 13 record labels. [More]

Rappers Sue CBS Interactive, Alleging It Profited From Music Piracy
A lawsuit led by rap artists alleges CBS Interactive, the parent company of CNET, aided copyright infringement by promoting and profiting on downloads of file-sharing service LimeWire. [More]

LimeWire Settles Copyright Case
After a federal court shut down LimeWire with a permanent injunction last year, the defunct peer-to-peer file sharing service settled its copyright infringement case with the National Music Publishers Association. [More]

Federal Court Shuts Down LimeWire With Permanent Injunction
LimeWire, the Gnutella-based peer-to-peer file-sharing service, is no more. Major record labels, also known as file-sharers’ archnemesis the RIAA, obtained an injunction from a U.S. District Court judge in New York City that stops Limewire from distributing their software or facilitating any file-sharing. [More]

Inside The Mind Of A 9 Year-Old File-Sharer
TorrentFreak has posted an interview with a 9 year-old girl who uses LimeWire.

Refreshing: Limewire Sues the RIAA
In a move as refreshing as a cool summer breeze, the pirates from Limewire are sueing the RIAA for anti-trust violations and a bunch of other cool shit.