If you’ve been meaning to have some pictures taken at your local Target Portrait Studio, hurry up: This week, the retailer announced to employees that the remaining studios will close at the end of this month. [More]

Target Closes Several In-Store Portrait Studios
Years ago, when you wanted to have a family portrait taken you’d hop in the car with the family and head to your local department store — Sears, JCPenney, and others. While some of these studios have closed their doors over the years, Target stepped in to fill the void. Until now: the big box retailer announced this week that it would close a handful of its in-store portrait studios in favor of other initiatives. [More]

Target Portrait Studio Deal Not As Great As It Seemed
Target has recently been expanding their portrait studio business in Jason’s area. This isn’t a Target-owned venture: Lifetouch owns and runs the studios, as they also do for other retailers, like J.C. Penney. The studio offered a Groupon recently, and Jason and family took them up on it. They chose a deal that promised a $50 gift card with a $100 photo purchase, thinking that this referred to a Target gift card. Not so. It referred to a gift card for future pictures at the Target portrait studio. Which could be useful if you planned to have more pictures taken there. Jason’s family doesn’t. [More]