Accident forgiveness in auto insurance is a pretty simple concept: while plans that have the feature cost more, your insurance company can’t hike your premiums after you get in a crash and actually need the insurance. It also happens to be illegal in California, which is why the district attorneys in San Diego, Riverside, and Los Angeles counties filed a consumer protection lawsuit against Liberty Mutual over ads touting the feature, which it settled for $925,000. [More]
liberty mutual

Liberty Mutual Settles Over Ads For Accident Forgiveness Insurance Where It Isn’t Allowed

Electrical Failure, How Do I Get Liberty Mutual To Call Me Back?
Ryan writes:
“Hi, I’ve experienced a electrical failure on my property last week resulting in the loss of use of my home as well as many electric devices (appliances, heat, water pump). The day I filed the claim I was told by two people at Liberty Mutual that a person from their emergency department would contact me the same day because of my situation (having an elderly person in the household) and my claim handler would call me the next day.

Car Caught Fire, Do I Get A Lawyer To Help Tussle With The Insurance Company?
James’ Passat caught on fire and he wants to know if he should get a lawyer to help him out with his insurance claim.

Liberty Mutual Punishes “Disloyal” Insurance Customer?
Frank Pallini thinks his property insurer might have dropped him because he changed his auto policy to another company.