The FCC voted on the Open Internet Order — net neutrality — about six weeks ago. But nobody ever accused the wheels of bureaucracy of turning quickly and so it is only this week that the rule has been sent off to the fine folks at the Federal Register. That means we’re finally in the home stretch handoff; the rule will become the law of the land 60 days after the Federal Register publishes it. And that means we’re finally in the window for the big wave of down-and-dirty lawsuits and legal challenges we’ve been awaiting since basically forever. [More]
let’s get ready to rumble

It’s Almost Lawsuit Season: Broadband Trade Groups Prepping Their Legal Arguments Against Net Neutrality

Amazon To Challenge Netflix With Subscription Video Service?
While many companies have recently gotten into the on-demand video business, only a small handful have attempted to follow the Netflix model of offering unlimited video streaming for a flat monthly rate. But the market leader could face a challenge in the near-future from, which is reportedly looking to start a subscription service that would compete directly with Netflix. [More]