
Drummer of 'The Band' Sues Cingular Over Commercial

Drummer of 'The Band' Sues Cingular Over Commercial

“It was just a complete, damn sellout of The Band — its reputation, its music; just as much disrespect as you could pour on Richard and Rick’s tombstones,” said Helm, 66, a longtime Woodstock resident.

Lawsuits: Vonage Owes Verizon $58 Million

Lawsuits: Vonage Owes Verizon $58 Million

The jury hearing the case awarded Verizon $58 million in damages and said that the VoIP provider must pay royalties of 5.5 percent to Verizon if it wishes to continue using Verizon’s IP.

RIAA Extortion Site Thanks You, "Looks Forward To Future Business Together"

RIAA Extortion Site Thanks You, "Looks Forward To Future Business Together"

Isn’t that nice? The RIAA knows that even after they’ve extorted $3,456.23 from you, you’re still going to buy their products. The extorted college student posted this anonymously, because they were afraid of the RIAA finding out they’d posted it. This is scary. —MEGHANN MARCO

Cingular Tries to Get Class Action Lawsuit Thrown Out, Cites Arbitration Clause

Cingular Tries to Get Class Action Lawsuit Thrown Out, Cites Arbitration Clause

“Although the exact wording of these provisions has changed somewhat over time, each has required customers to pursue their disputes with Cingular or AT&T Wireless in either individual arbitration or small claims court,” the defendants allege in their motion.

The RIAA P2PLawsuit Letter Sent To College Students

The RIAA P2PLawsuit Letter Sent To College Students

Unfortunately for the students who have been targeted (a group that apparently includes both downloaders and sharers), minimum damages that the RIAA can request under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is $750 per infringement. For students who have hundreds of songs on their computer, that could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.

RIAA Bullies College Students With

RIAA Bullies College Students With

The RIAA is sending what amounts to a cease and desist letter to 400 college students at 13 universities. The letter encourages students to confess and pay a “settlement” at an RIAA website: The website suggests using Mastercard, Visa or Discover to pay your fines.

RIAA Hates Open WiFi

RIAA Hates Open WiFi

Debbie Foster was sued by RIAA member company Capitol Records for allegedly sharing copyrighted material on a P2P file sharing network. However, the alleged infringement was apparently committed by someone else with access to her ISP account. Foster had the case dismissed last summer, and as reported by Listening Post earlier this month, was awarded attorney’s fees in excess of $50,000.

Verizon Sues to Shut Down Vonage

Vonage, which is one of the best-known brands in the Internet phone world, acknowledged last week that it doesn’t have a plan for getting around use of technology that Verizon claims violates patents it owns.

Enviga's Own Study Undermines Calorie Burning Claims

Enviga's Own Study Undermines Calorie Burning Claims

The study on which the Coke’s “negative calorie” drink Enviga are based was finally published this month in the journal Obesity. The publication’s editors were quick to question the strength of Coke’s deductions.

Microsoft Settles Class Action Lawsuit Vs Iowa

The Iowa antitrust case gained notoriety for the now famous “If I didn’t work here, I’d buy a Mac” e-mail sent by Microsoft executive Jim Allchin, who is now retired. The Microsoft in-house e-mail from 2004 received some notice after it was released as part of Microsoft’s document production for the case.

This lawsuit was one of the last state anti-trust lawsuits left unsettled, and Bill Gates was scheduled to testify. Alas.—MEGHANN MARCO

RIAA Tries To Avoid Paying Expensive Lawyers By Bullying ISPs

RIAA Tries To Avoid Paying Expensive Lawyers By Bullying ISPs

“The RIAA has sent out a letter to the ISPs telling them to stop making mistakes in identifying subscribers, and offering a ‘Pre-Doe settlement option’ — with a discount of ‘$1000 or more’ — to their subscribers, if and only if the ISP agrees to preserve its logs for 180 days. Other interesting points in the letter (PDF): the RIAA will be launching a web site for ‘early settlements,’”

That’s cool, just bypass the legal system with a scary letter and a website. ISPs aren’t going to fall for this, are they? Comcast? Verizon? Are you there? —MEGHANN MARCO

3 Steps To Sue Telemarketers And Win

3 Steps To Sue Telemarketers And Win

has successfully sued telemarketers in small claims court and wants to share his secrets with you. For only $195 in filing costs so far, he’s received $6160.00.

Warrant Issued For Verizon's Arrest

Warrant Issued For Verizon's Arrest

Just before Poodleman filed a motion to seize Verizon’s property, he received a check from the company.

Texas Sues Sprint For Deceptive Billing Practices

Texas Sues Sprint For Deceptive Billing Practices

The Texas Attorney General today filed suit against Sprint over their false and misleading billing practices.

What Is The Definition of "Real Kraft Cheese"?

What Is The Definition of "Real Kraft Cheese"?

Kraft, like many food makers, often walks a fine line with its marketing, testing the limits of federal labeling regulations that are often vague or confusing.

Coke & Nestle Sued Over Enviga's Bogus Calorie Burning Claims

Coke & Nestle Sued Over Enviga's Bogus Calorie Burning Claims

Eviga, the so-called “calorie burning soda” has landed Coke and Nestle in some hot water, as the The Center for Science In The Public Interest has filed suit against both for false advertising claims — the same we mocked back in October.

T.J. Maxx Gets Class Actioned For Credit Card Breach

A class action lawsuit was filed yesterday against TJ Maxx for allowing millions of customer’s credit cards to be stolen in a Jan. 17. security breach.

Pfizer Sued For Marketing Viagra As A “Party Drug”

    An AIDS organization sued Pfizer Inc. on Monday over ads the group says encourage use of Viagra as a party drug. The group said recreational use of the drug furthers the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.