
Dating Site eHarmony Settles Same-Sex Class Action For $2 Million

Dating Site eHarmony Settles Same-Sex Class Action For $2 Million

In 2008, eHarmony responded to complaints that it wasn’t serving gay and lesbian customers by setting up a second website, Compatible Partners, and keeping those customers separate from the official site. Some users sued the company, saying anyone with bisexual interests were being forced to pay twice for the same service. Now eHarmony has settled the class action and will allow members of either site to participate on the other one without having to pay a second time. [More]

AT&T Announces Proposed Settlement Over ETF Class Action Lawsuit

AT&T Announces Proposed Settlement Over ETF Class Action Lawsuit

Chris wrote in to us this afternoon, “I found this gem in my AT&T wireless inbox [today]. I received no notification it was there, just happened to notice that I had a new message from AT&T online.” It’s an announcement that AT&T Mobility has arranged a proposed settlement over a class-action lawsuit concerning early termination fees. If it’s approved, there’ll be a settlement fund created from which AT&T customers “may receive monetary or other benefits.” [More]

Tyson Chicken Settles Class-Action Suit, Will Pay $4.4 Million To Consumers

Tyson Chicken Settles Class-Action Suit, Will Pay $4.4 Million To Consumers

If you bought Tyson chicken from 2007 to 2009, you may want to start keeping tabs on the new settlement being considered by Tyson to settle the class-action suit against it. The agreement was filed earlier this week, and a review is scheduled for tomorrow. If approved, approximately $4.4 million will supposedly be available to disburse to consumers. [More]

Bank Of America Seizes Wrong House, Causes Big Stink. No, Really.

Bank Of America Seizes Wrong House, Causes Big Stink. No, Really.

Last October, Bank of America screwed up and seized a vacation home that didn’t belong to them. They also changed the locks and shut off the power, leaving 75 pounds of salmon and halibut rotting for a week before it was discovered, writes Laura Elder of the Galveston Daily News.
The owner, Dr. Alan Schroit, and his wife discovered what had happened when they showed up on Halloween to prepare for a party they were going to host the next day.

KFC Sues Self In Game Of Legal Chicken

KFC Sues Self In Game Of Legal Chicken

According to a Bloomberg story in BusinessWeek, KFC is suing itself, sorta. [More]

Palm Coast Travel Sues Customer And A Blogger

Palm Coast Travel Sues Customer And A Blogger

Travel blogger Elliott is not having a good year. First Homeland Security showed up on his doorstep with a subpoena demanding he name his sources, and now a travel agency is suing him for his reporting about their unauthorized sale of travel insurance. [More]

Lawsuit: Goldman's Bonuses Eclipsed Earnings

Lawsuit: Goldman's Bonuses Eclipsed Earnings

Goldamn Sachs gave out more in bonuses than it earned in income last year, according to a lawsuit filed by a pension plan. The suit says that Goldman’s revenue was inflated by government bailouts, yet it continued to pay out 50% of revenue as bonuses. [Reuters] [More]

Lawsuit: Funeral Home Returns Mom's Brain With Personal Items

Lawsuit: Funeral Home Returns Mom's Brain With Personal Items

According to a lawsuit filed in New Mexico State District Court in Albuquerque, a woman’s brain was returned to her family in a bag of personal effects. [More]

Lawsuit: Yoga Chain That Teaches "Brain Wave Vibration" Is Cult

Lawsuit: Yoga Chain That Teaches "Brain Wave Vibration" Is Cult

Former employees have filed a suit against Dahn Yoga, an Arizona-based chain of yoga centers. According to CNN, the suit charges that the chain is a “a totalistic, high-demand cult group” and that employees are submitted to “psychological manipulation, indoctrination and various techniques of coercive thought reform designed to induce them to become [founder] Ilchi Lee’s disciples and devote themselves to serving him and his ‘vision.'” [More]

Make Debt Collectors Give You Money By Suing Them

Make Debt Collectors Give You Money By Suing Them

This may not work for everyone, but it worked for Jeff. He tells Consumerist that after he filed Chapter 13 bankruptcy, Sallie Mae representatives continued to call him, which is sort of illegal. So his bankruptcy attorney sued them. And won a $4,000 settlement. [More]

Comcast Settles BitTorrent Throttling Lawsuit

Comcast Settles BitTorrent Throttling Lawsuit

Comcast has settled a $16 million class-action lawsuit accusing the Internet provider of preventing customers from sharing files via BitTorrent. The suit alleges that Comcast sold users “unlimited” internet access that was, in fact, quite limited. Comcast still admits no wrongdoing, and affected customers will receive up to $16 each as part of the settlement. Ka-ching! [More]

Walmart Accused Of Secretly Videotaping Public Restroom

Walmart Accused Of Secretly Videotaping Public Restroom

Seven current and former employees of a Pennsylvania Walmart Tire and Lube Center have filed suit against the company, reports the Morning Call. The employees say they discovered that they and the general public were being monitored via video camera in a public bathroom. [More]

Company Forecloses On Wrong Condo, Throws Out Everything

Company Forecloses On Wrong Condo, Throws Out Everything

It’s still unclear exactly what’s going on between this Las Vegas woman and a realty company, but they definitely sent someone to clean out her home when they weren’t supposed to. She says they came and emptied the place of everything she owned, all because of an address mistake with the foreclosed property next door. They say she’s misrepresenting the amount of her belongings to the media. [More]

FTC Sues Intel For Decade Of Illegal Sales Tactics

FTC Sues Intel For Decade Of Illegal Sales Tactics

The FTC sued microprocessor giant Intel yesterday, alleging the company had engaged in illegal sales tactics for the past 10 years, relying on backroom strongarming instead of over technical innovation to maintain market dominance. [More]

Recent Class Action Settlement Roundup

Recent Class Action Settlement Roundup

Motorola handsets, cell phone ringtones, BP propane, Sony VAIO laptops, and the hormone replacement medication Estratest: if you purchased any of these items, you could be eligible for some recently settled class actions. Are you? Well, there’s only one way to find out. [More]

McDonald's Manager To Transgender Woman: We Don't Hire [Gay Slur]

McDonald's Manager To Transgender Woman: We Don't Hire [Gay Slur]

A Florida McDonald’s has been sued for refusing to hire a transgender woman. The applicant, 17-year-old Zikerria Bellamy, says that after she didn’t check a gender box on the application, then reluctantly selected male, she was refused an interview by two managers, one of whom then left her an bigoted voicemail. [More]

Judge Tells Debt Collection Firm To Pay Stranger $115 For Dragging Him To Court

Judge Tells Debt Collection Firm To Pay Stranger $115 For Dragging Him To Court

Last week, a Brooklyn judge ordered strongly suggested that the law firm of Pressler & Pressler, “one of the biggest in the collection industry,” pay a day’s worth of income to the man they falsely accused of owing an unpaid debt. To encourage the firm to do the right thing, Judge Noach Dear scheduled a sanctions hearing but told the firm’s lawyer, T. Andy Wang, that he might drop it if they pay up. [More]

Possible Class-Action Suit Alleges Xbox Bans Result Of Vast Redmond Conspiracy

Possible Class-Action Suit Alleges Xbox Bans Result Of Vast Redmond Conspiracy

Microsoft has declared that the owners of banned Xbox consoles have no recourse and no choice but to buy new consoles. Some users see this as unfair and a vast Redmond conspiracy, and law firm AbingtonIP is fighting back with a class-action lawsuit. God bless America.