All over the world, sports fans set their heroes up on high pedestals. So when scandals hit, it’s a long way for professional athletes to fall, and they often lose lucrative endorsement deals on their way down. [More]
lance armstrong

Dick’s Sporting Goods Clearing Out All Livestrong Items For Some Reason
What’s that, you say? People just aren’t flocking to athletic equipment endorsed by Lance Armstrong since he admitted that his professional cycling career was full of doping and lies? That makes sense. That’s bad news if you’re Dick’s Sporting Goods, and half of the pricey fitness equipment you sell is Livestrong-branded. It is, however, great news for consumers. [More]

U.S. Government Sues Lance Armstrong To Get Post Office Sponsorship Money Back
In the years since the the United States Postal Service sponsored Lance Armstrong’s multiple Tour de France victories, the USPS has fallen into a serious financial crisis, and Armstrong has been exposed as a doping cheater and/or cheating dope. This chain of events has an obvious solution: why doesn’t the government sue Armstrong’s management and get that sponsorship money back? [More]

Lance Armstrong Dropped By Nike Because Athletes Shouldn’t Get Caught Lying About Doping
Lance Armstrong, champion cyclist and the person we all have to blame for the rubber wristband-for-a-cause trend, apparently committed the cardinal sin of being a highly marketable sports figure who lied about taking performance-enhancing drugs. [More]

Monster Ditches "Cable," Dives Head-First Into Overpriced Headphones
At a press conference that was more pep rally than information session, the folks at Monster Cable — strike that, they are just “Monster” now — didn’t show a single inch of the high-priced connectors they are (in)famous for. Instead, the company rolled out a whole host of top-dollar headphones and other products. [More]

Study: Putting Celebrities In TV Ads Only Makes Them Worse
Do you buy Activia because Jamie Lee Curtis says you should? Or a Sony TV because Peyton Manning is their pitchman? What about that stash of Extenze you keep in the bedside table — did you purchase that on the recommendation of Jimmy Johnson? A new study shows that the answer to all these questions is probably a big “no.” [More]