American cheese slices: they’re handy, they make a fine grilled cheese, and they fit conveniently in your purse. What’s not to enjoy? Yet Allen noticed something strange while shopping for cheese: the size of each slice varies slightly according to how big a package of cheese you’re buying. Why is that? Update: Now we know why. [More]
Kraft Singles

Kraft Recalling 36,000 Cases Of Cheese Due To Packaging Choking Hazard
True story: I had a friend in college who often wanted a snack while we were out and about on weekend nights guzzling Milwaukee’s Best Light. To curb her cravings, she’d often stick a few Kraft singles cheese slices in her purse, conveniently wrapped in plastic for individual snacking opportunities. Alas, that same convenient packaging is at the heart of a new voluntary recall from Kraft, over concerns that people could choke on the plastic wrapping. [More]

Dietitian Group’s “Kids Eat Right” Logo Won’t Be On Kraft Singles Packages After All
Kraft Singles won’t come with a stamp from the Academy of Nutrition and Diatetics reading “Kids Eat Right” anymore, after a group of dietitians signed a petition calling to put an end to the partnership. The petition claims that having such a logo makes it seem like the group is endorsing the cheese product. [More]