just like the real thing

Video Game Simulates The Singular Thrill Of Assembling IKEA Furniture

Video Game Simulates The Singular Thrill Of Assembling IKEA Furniture

Unlike many of my friends, I enjoy assembling IKEA furniture — to a point. I have been known to utter a few Scandinavian profanities after a few days of shredding my fingers with an allen wrench. Now a video game will apparently allow me to enjoy that unique thrill of putting together a nonsense-named end table without enduring any physical or spiritual injuries. [More]

5 Commonly Counterfeited Items To Avoid Buying

5 Commonly Counterfeited Items To Avoid Buying

It’s one thing to purchase a generic or store-brand product that has the same ingredients or components but at a lower price; and a completely different thing to buy a truly counterfeit product that might save you cash but could end up doing damage to your body. [More]

Customer Discovers Card Skimmer On Bank ATM

Customer Discovers Card Skimmer On Bank ATM

When most of us think about illegal card skimmers on ATMs, we think of free-standing cash machines at convenience stores or on the street. But a sharp-eyed bank customer in Massachusetts spotted a skimmer at the last place you’d expect one: the bank. [More]