The Department of Justice has struck a multi-billion dollar deal with Morgan Stanley in what is expected to be one of the last major steps in resolving investigations related to banks’ roles in the subprime mortgage crisis. [More]

Morgan Stanley To Pay $2.6B To Settle Charges Of Selling Troubled Mortgages Leading Up To The Financial Crisis

Only A Third Of Bank ATMs Using Windows XP Have Upgraded Ahead Of April 8 Deadline
Banks all over the world have known since 2007 that Microsoft would stop support for ATMs running Windows XP on April 8 of this year, but with that deadline looming, only one-third of those 2.2 million machines have upgraded their outdated software. [More]

JPMorgan Cancels Twitter Q&A Because Everyone Was Asking Really Mean Questions
Bring out the Twitter Fail Whale — better yet, the London Fail Whale — for JPMorgan Chase. Somehow not realizing that there would be a lot of people grumpy at the big bank for the London Whale brouhaha last year, bogus credit card protection problems, billions in allegedly toxic mortgage securities and a slew of government investigations JPMorgan asked Twitter users yesterday to submit questions for a Q&A with Vice Chairman Jimmy Lee today. And boy, did people have questions — just not the ones JPMorgan wants to answer. [More]