
Maybe Those Domino's Dorks Can Get Jobs In This McDonalds

Maybe Those Domino's Dorks Can Get Jobs In This McDonalds

Lots of readers have been sending us this clip today. It’s called “The Filthiest McDonalds in the World,” and yes, it pretty much is. On the plus side, you don’t have to send your kids to the ball pit—you can just place them on the floor and watch them sink out of sight.

Chase Puts Your Sensitive Documents On The Sidewalk

However, we never get an establishing shot of the trashcan, so it’s not totally clear whether they are actually discovering these bags on the sidewalk. After all, they are janitors and thus have access to the trash cans inside the bank, and being a union, they probably have an axe to grind (like applying pressure on Chase for higher wages and benefits for custodial staff).