
Apple Doesn't Know How To Handle The MobileMe Crisis

Apple Doesn't Know How To Handle The MobileMe Crisis

It’s amazing that Apple doesn’t recognize this situation. This is an airplane that’s stuck on the runway for hours with no food or working bathroom. And the pilot doesn’t come on the P.A. system to tell the customers what the problem is, what’s being done to fix it, how much longer they might be stuck, and how he empathizes with their plight. Instead, he comes on once every three hours to repeat the same thing: “We apologize for the inconvenience.”

Should AT&T Be Advertising The iPhone's 3G Speed Where There Is No 3G Network?

Should AT&T Be Advertising The iPhone's 3G Speed Where There Is No 3G Network?

Reader temporaryerror brings up an interesting point. Should AT&T and Apple be advertising the iPhone 3G as “twice as fast” in areas where there is no 3G coverage? He sent in the above advertisement from the local Wichita, KS newspaper. He says that the closest 3G network is 120 miles away in Topeka, and that the advertisement doesn’t disclose this information. Is this ok?


Well, it looks like the new iPhone has been unlocked already. [Gizmodo]

Two Out Of Three Of My iPhones Were Defective And The Third Won't Receive Calls

Two Out Of Three Of My iPhones Were Defective And The Third Won't Receive Calls

Reader Michael is having a rough time with the iPhone. He says that two out of three of the iPhones purchased by his family were defective, and the third one wouldn’t receive calls. Weirdly, this story has a happy ending, because Michael found some contact information on Consumerist that got his problem solved in 5 minutes.

Exchanging A Defective iPhone 3G Is A Huge Pain In The Butt

Exchanging A Defective iPhone 3G Is A Huge Pain In The Butt

Reader Joshua wants to warn everyone that exchanging your defective-out-of-the-box iPhone 3G is a huge pain the butt. His girlfriend got her iPhone on launch day but quickly discovered that the speaker was broken. She brought it into the Apple store to have it checked out and an employee accidentally dropped it. At that point, Apple told them they’d just replace to the phone. That’s where things got complicated.

Reach ATT Wireless Executive Customer Service

Reach ATT Wireless Executive Customer Service

Western States: 800-498-1912

Buying An iPhone 3G Was Surprisingly Easy. Activating It Was Not.

Buying An iPhone 3G Was Surprisingly Easy. Activating It Was Not.

As Consumerist’s resident Apple fanboy, I spent the last few hours standing outside an AT&T store waiting to buy the iPhone 3G, then waiting for it to activate in iTunes. Here’s what went down.

VIDEO: Activist Bum Rushes iPhone Line With Flag Pony

VIDEO: Activist Bum Rushes iPhone Line With Flag Pony

The first person in line at the 5th Ave Apple store in Manhattan was some kind of activist Daniel Bowman Simon, part of a group who camped out in front of The Cube for over a week, hoping to use it as an opportunity to bring exposure to issues of, “sustainability, affordable housing, energy security, and locally-grown food,” who tried to bumrush the applauding Apple receiving line of Apple employees and penetrate The Cube with what appears to be a metal/aluminum-foil horse carrying an American flag. The world may never know now knows exactly what sort of brilliant political statement he was trying to make as he was quickly intercepted by burly security guards who jettisoned him away to make room for more obedient cult members. Video, inside…

Some New iPhone 3Gs Sport Yellow Tinge

Some New iPhone 3Gs Sport Yellow Tinge

Reports on the MacRumors forums and Gizmodo comments assert that some of the new Apple iPhone 3Gs look distinctly iJaundiced. Needless to say, the owners are pissed. Did you get one of these banana phones? Send an email with a pic to tips@consumerist.com or let us know in the comments.

Limited New iPhones At ATT Stores, Latecomers Pay Extra To Have Phones Shipped

Limited New iPhones At ATT Stores, Latecomers Pay Extra To Have Phones Shipped

Only the first lucky clutch of people in line today at AT&T stores will walk out with a new iPhone 3G in-hand. There were only 30 phones available in total at the the biggest AT&T store in Waterbury CT, at the Brass Mill Center, according to a store employee. Reporting from the line, reader Kevin says that everyone else was given an option to buy a slip of paper for $226.79 (see a scan of it posted inside), have the phone shipped from the warehouse to you, then you come back to the store to activate the phone. Customers will have to pay for the shipping charges for this favor.

No Shade For Sweaty Cleveland iPhone 3G Hopefuls

No Shade For Sweaty Cleveland iPhone 3G Hopefuls

Reader Ron writes:

National iPhone 3G Activation Failure Due To Apple's "Short Tether" System?

National iPhone 3G Activation Failure Due To Apple's "Short Tether" System?

When I heard that the iPhone activations were completely borked, I thought, man, that’s what you get for partnering with the Death Star. But from what reader Justin heard from an ATT rep, oh-so-pristine Appple might actually be the one with blemishes. He writes,

iPhone 3G Activations Fail Nationwide

iPhone 3G Activations Fail Nationwide

A nation-wide epic fail of the iPhone activation systems has gutted the release of the new iPhone 3G. Here’s an account from reader Tyler:

Don't Live Near A Big City? Here's Something You Should Know Before Upgrading Your iPhone

Don't Live Near A Big City? Here's Something You Should Know Before Upgrading Your iPhone

The new iPhone is 3G–but AT&T’s 3G network isn’t exactly “nationwide,” so you might want to check the coverage map to make sure that there’s a 3G network in your area.

Want The New iPhone? Here's How To Escape Your Current Cellphone Contract ETF-Free

Want The New iPhone? Here's How To Escape Your Current Cellphone Contract ETF-Free

As the second coming of the Jesusphone 3G draws near, we wanted to remind customers of other wireless carriers that there are ways to escape your existing cellphone contract free of early termination fees, and trade your piddling Verizon, Sprint, or T-Mobile bills for hundreds of pages of gloriously itemized AT&T charges. Or just switch carriers.

Leaks: Need ID And Social To Buy iPhone 3G?

Leaks: Need ID And Social To Buy iPhone 3G?

An Apple store insider has leaked to us what they say will be some limitations and barriers on buying the iPhone Apple and AT&T stores will apply to the new iPhone 3g that goes on sale this Friday:

With The New iPhone On The Horizon, Now Is The Time To Threaten Your Cellphone Company

With The New iPhone On The Horizon, Now Is The Time To Threaten Your Cellphone Company

With the debut of that new super iPhone thing only a few short days away, now is the time to threaten your current cellphone company. What’s that? You have no intention of switching cellphone companies for the iPhone? Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon’s retention reps don’t know that. Do they?

Stop Making Fun Of Me: Confessions Of An Early iPhone Adopter

Stop Making Fun Of Me: Confessions Of An Early iPhone Adopter

Those of us who bought iPhones when they came out haven’t been very popular over the last year. We’ve been viewed as impulse-buying fanboys who got suckered into paying to beta-test an incomplete product on an inferior network. Then Steve Jobs sold us out. Now our co-workers won’t stop making fun of us. I bought my iPhone on June 29th, I still love it, and I can’t wait to buy a new one next week. Inside, my reasons why.