Reports are showing up online that AT&T is beginning a slow rollout of official MMS functionality to seemingly random iPhone users, from Manhattan to Idaho. The official start date is September 25, but it makes sense that the company would implement the change gradually to make sure the network can handle it.

iPhone 3G Owners, Beware The New 3.1 OS Upgrade
If you’re a gadgetophile like me, you love firmware updates because it’s like giving your smartphone, camera, or other mp3 player a mini-makeover. If you’re normal, however, don’t rush into it—the best thing to do is wait a bit and see what problems are reported from the front line. Take for instance this issue between 3G iPhones and Exchange servers, which no longer play well with each other after yesterday’s 3.1 iPhone OS upgrade.

AT&T Network Struggling In iPhone-Dense Urban Areas
MMS is finally coming to the iPhone in two and a half weeks! Yaaay! Wait, iPhone users, why are you still sad? What’s wrong? What are you doing with that AT&T voodoo doll?

Apple Store Is Efficient And User-Friendly For Thieves
I’ve always found Apple Stores to be open and inviting. A team of thieves in New Jersey evidently agree with me. They smashed the front window of the Promenade at Sagemore store in Marlton, N.J. and cleaned out the display models. How long did it take them to steal 23 Macbook Pros, 14 iPhones, and 9 iPod Touches? Thirty-one seconds. Yes, there’s surveillance video.

Apple, Google, And AT&T Respond To FCC's Google Voice Questions
Apparently, Apple didn’t reject the Google Voice application for iPhone. They “[continue] to study it.” Yesterday, Apple, AT&T, and Google all turned in their responses to the FCC’s questions as part of the investigation into the bannination of Google Voice from the iPhone App Store.

Class Action Suit Against Apple And AT&T For Lack Of MMS On iPhones
No matter how awesome the iPhone is at multimedia, gaming, or taking money out of your wallet and mailing it to AT&T and Apple, it still doesn’t let you use multimedia messaging service (MMS)—you know, that thing where you send a photo to a friend over text message. Earlier this year AT&T finally said it would happen by the end of summer, but now a group of customers in Louisiana are tired of waiting.

Three Ways To Use Google Voice On Your iPhone
Apple may not feel like you’re ready to take advantage of Google Voice, but luckily Jobs and his legion can’t lock you out of every potential way to access the service. (Yet.) Here are three paths to GV you can use today, no permission needed from the Applelord.

USAA: Deposit Your Checks With An iPhone!
The friendliest bank in the world, USAA, will soon let customers instantaneously deposit checks through its iPhone application. Here’s how it works: you snap a picture of the front and back of your check, and send the picture to USAA. That’s it.

Is The FCC's iPhone Investigation Really About Number Portability?
There’s been a lot of talk online the past week about extending the principal of network neutrality to wireless networks, which may be partly why the FCC has asked Apple, Google, and AT&T to answer some questions about the rejected Google Voice iPhone app. Todd Barr at thinks that the reason may actually have to do with the concept of number portability.
Apple censored a dictionary app, forcing the developers to remove listings to “cock,” “ass,” and other words that make fifth graders giggle, before it allowed it to go up on the App Store. Ninjawords is now available (with those entries excised) but has a 17+ rating. [Engadget]

Apple Bans Bushel Of Spam Apps
Apple has shaken the App Store tree until several hundred questionable, over-priced apps that drew customer complaints have fallen off the branches.

FCC Asks Apple, AT&T To Explain Why They Rejected Google Voice App
Apple (and AT&T) may have finally pushed too far with this week’s rejection of the Google Voice App from the iPhone App Store, for no reason other than it “duplicated functionality” already offered—for a price—by AT&T. According to mocoNews, the FCC has asked Apple and AT&T to provide answers about how apps are approved, why they’re denied, and particularly how much say AT&T has over things iPhone-related.

Apple Blames Jailbreaking For Recent AT&T Visual Voicemail Outages
Apple’s not through with their blitz against jailbreaking, with this newly updated support doc that says, among other things, that the recent Visual Voicemail outages from AT&T were caused by—and happened to—hacked iPhones.

Apple Argues Jailbreaking iPhones Can Lead To Terrorism
Apple is doing everything it can to sway the Copyright Office, which is in charge of periodically handing out DMCA exemptions, to keep iPhone jailbreaking illegal. We always thought Apple was against any exemption because of their exclusivity deal with AT&T. But no, it turns out they’ve been trying to protect us all from a Die Hard attack on the nation’s communications infrastructure.

Who Killed The Google Voice iPhone Application?
You can download a mobile Google Voice application for Blackberry or Android, but not for the iPhone. Apple rejected Google’s official application, and has been removing other apps using Google Voice functionality from the App Store. Now, why would they do such a thing? You know the answer. AT&T told them to.

AT&T Overcharges Guy On iPhone Bill, Guy Fights Back, Wins
Richard’s tale of his struggles with AT&T are valuable for two reasons — One, he shows how to win a customer service dispute in a calm, deliberate way, and secondly he points out a little-known option that lets customers who won’t be using their phones for a while place their phone on a cheap suspension plan rather than pay full price for the months in question.

iPods Are On Fire — No, Really
iPods aren’t only en fuego on the sales charts, but a 15 have been reported catching actual fire as customers used them.

New iPhone App Shows You Where To Buy Marijuana
If you’re wondering where to buy marijuana, or if you were too stoned to remember where you did buy it, there’s an app for that. Apple has approved a new iPhone application named “Cannabis” that personalizes Google maps to show you where to buy, well, cannabis.