Lifehacker reader Apollo Clark has put together a matrix that compares seven of the most popular and/or feature-packed smartphones on the market, as well as the iPad for some reason. If you’re planning on trading up to a fancy new phone/multimedia device in the next couple of months, it’s worth checking out to see which phones best align with your wish list. [More]

Latest Verizon iPhone Rumor: Now It's January 2011
The Verizon iPhone is turning into the telecom equivalent of a Jen Aniston baby, as rumors continue to abound regarding when — or even if — Big V will be the first U.S. mobile carrier to break AT&T’s stronghold on the popular smartphone. The latest rumor to be put through the mill comes from BusinessWeek, who say that Verizon customers will have a very iPhone New Year. [More]

Nokia Skewers iPhone 4 Grip-Related Reception Problems
Nokia takes the piss out of iPhone 4 in a new blog post that asks, “How do you hold your Nokia?” One of the problems with the new iPhone 4 is that if your hands are sweaty and you grip it holding the antenna band it loses reception. A Nokia, the blog says, can be held by the thumb and finger, by balancing it, cupping it, or the four edge grip. Or really any grip at all. [More]

AT&T Ships Empty Box Instead of iPhone 4
The big day had arrived. The UPS box containing Logan’s new iPhone 4 sat on his front porch. Picking it up, he noticed it felt rather light. [More]

Your New iPhone's Reception Is Bad Because You're Holding It Wrong
Apple has a message for you if you notice problems with the reception on your shiny new iPhone 4. The problem isn’t the phone–it’s you. If you hold your phone so that your gubby little hands bridge the metal antenna bars that wrap around the phone, the signal will suck more than usual. Apple’s high-tech solution: don’t hold it that way. [More]

Consumer Reports: New iPhone Is Best Ever
Consumer Reports sent their intrepid shoppers to wait on line for the iPhone 4 Thursday morning, and rushed the new models back to their labs. Their initial assessment: “Based on the first few hours of using this fourth-generation Apple smart phone, it’s the best iPhone yet.” [More]

Expensive iPhone Games Cost A Buck Today
In honor of the iPhone 4 coming out tomorrow, EA has slashed its prices on several costly iPhone/iPod Touch games to a dollar. [More]

Meet The Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs
While the NY Times picks on a small apparel company over the logo of a dead newspaper and the National Pork Board wants you to know that Unicorn is not the other white meat, countless companies in China are actually infringing on trademarks, often with hilarious results. [More]

How To Opt Out Of Apple's iAds Service, Eventually
If you don’t want Apple collecting data on you and using it to target you with ads starting July 1st, you can opt out from “any device running iOS 4,” says AppleInsider. The opt-out is automatic when you hit up from an iOS 4 device, and as far as I can tell you can’t undo it, so don’t click the link unless you really want to opt out. Also, it’s not working at the moment. [More]

Verizon Wireless May Follow AT&T, Drop Unlimited Data Plans
When Verizon Wireless begins to introduce plans for its next generation data network later this year, don’t expect to see any all-you-can-eat unlimited offerings. In an interview with BusinessWeek, the company’s CFO said the company will likely have to change how it bills for data consumption as more data-hungry smartphones and apps enter the marketplace–and that means tiered data plans similar to the ones AT&T has introduced to help control data consumption. [More]

Privacy Change: Apple Knows Where Your Phone Is And Is Telling People
Apple updated its privacy policy today, with an important, and dare we say creepy new paragraph about location information. If you agree to the changes, (which you must do in order to download anything via the iTunes store) you agree to let Apple collect store and share “precise location data, including the real-time geographic location of your Apple computer or device.” [More]

iOS4 Releases Today
UPDATE: It’s here. Plug your iPhone into your computer and fire up the iTunes. As even those who live in remote fishing villages probably know, today Apple is set to drop iOS4 on the streets. It’s the operating system that the iPhone4 ships with, but owners of previous generation phones will be able to upgrade to it and enjoy some of the same benefits. A friend of mine who tried it out by installing iOS 4.0 developer’s beta said, [More]

AT&T Salesman's Lies Stuck Me With A Stupid Obsolete iPhone
Tim writes that back in April, he walked out of a local AT&T store with a shiny new iPhone 3GS and a tiny pack of lies. A pushy salesman told Tim that he had heard from corporate that there was no new iPhone model planned for the rest of this year. Nope, no way. (Clearly neither Tim nor this salesman are regular readers of Gizmodo.) [More]

AT&T Suspends iPhone Sales, Didn't Fully Test Pre-Order System
If you were hoping to pre-order the iPhone 4 through AT&T’s website today, you’re out of luck. A visit to the wireless giant’s pre-order site for the latest Apple super-phone gives you the terse note that “Pre-orders for iPhone temporarily suspended.” [More]

It's iPhone 4 Day, So Naturally AT&T Is Exposing Account Info To Strangers
AT&T knows it needs to step up if it wants to be taken seriously these days as a wireless provider, so it’s been beefing up 3G coverage, rejiggering data plans, and of course ramping up the speed at which it leaks your private data to strangers. In fact, according to multiple reports from AT&T customers, the company has managed to pull off the neat trick of logging customers in to strangers’ accounts today during the iPhone 4 pre-order fiesta. See? You no longer have to wait until you’ve got the device in hand to worry about privacy issues. [More]

How Do I Sell My iPhone Online Without Getting Scammed?
Christopher plans to upgrade to the iPhone 4 and get rid of the deadweight that is his current phone. His requirement is that he not be murdered, attacked or fleeced during this transfer of property, so he’s asking for your tips on how to protect himself during the process. [More]

The New York Times Doesn't Want You Accessing Its RSS Feed Via An RSS Feed Reader
Update: Apple apparently realized that losing 30% of revenue on sales of the Pulse News Reader wasn’t worth playing along with the Times’ weirdness, and put the app back up for sale before the end of the day–with the newspaper’s feed still included as a default. [More]