If you want an iPad and the latest cutting-edge technology isn’t important to you, you could save some money by purchasing the now obsolete but still pretty awesome iPad 2. The 16 GB, wi-fi model is $399 at Best Buy, and you can get the same model direct from Apple, refurbished, for $349. Or you can tune in to QVC, the channel where your grandmother gets all of her jewelry, and buy that very same iPad bundled with some accessories for only $799. [More]
ipad 2

Report: Two New iPad Models Will Be Unveiled In January
The buzz over the next Apple product usually starts about 24 hours after the newest toy is introduced, so devotees might be happy to hear that two new iPad models could be announced as soon as January 26, 2012. [More]

My iPad Has An Evil Twin
Kimberly and her Verizon Pad 2 didn’t know it, but her tablet has an evil twin lurking somewhere in the country. It lurked, waiting to steal her iPad’s identity and rob it of its network connectivity. Who created this horrible monster? Er… Verizon Wireless. [More]

Boy Wishes He Hadn't Sold His Kidney For An iPad 2
A 17-year-old boy in Shanghai is experiencing extreme buyer’s remorse after his health has begun to falter after selling his kidney to buy an iPad 2, reports the Global Times. [More]

Fisticuffs Erupt When iPad 2 Goes On Sale In Beijing
Four people were sent to the hospital when the crowd outside Beijing’s number one Apple store turned violent as they stormed to get their hands on the new iPad 2 when it went on sale there this weekend, reports AFP. [More]

An iPad 2 Smart Cover Is Much Less Entertaining Without The iPad
Jeremy’s iPad 2 has been backordered, and he has to wait another month or so to receive it. That’s okay, though. They sent along his Smart Cover in advance, and he’s found at least as many uses for the cover as he would have had for the iPad. Kind of. [More]

Apple Whisks Defective iPad Away, Leaving Me Without One
The problem with having the latest, shiniest, newest gadgets is that when something goes wrong and that shiny gadget sells out, there aren’t any others to exchange it for. That seems to be what happened to Nicholas, who bought an iPad 2 at Target, and shipped it off to Apple after had screen problems after only a few hours of use. [More]

iPad 1 Is On Clearance Sale At Verizon, But Where'd They All Go?
The debut of the iPad 2 means that you can get some sweet, sweet deals on the original iPad if you know where to look. D. knew where to look, which was a local Verizon Wireless store. Not the first place most people would go for iPads. Including, from what D. observed, the store’s own staff. When D. brought to store employees’ attention that their iPads in stock were marked down to $299, they suddenly didn’t have any more stock. Then they did. Then they didn’t. [More]

Target Sells Your Reserved iPad, Then Promises Imaginary Discount
It seemed reasonable enough to Mark: his local Target gave out more tickets to purchase 16 GB iPads than they had iPads, and he was the last person to reserve a ticket. The store had plenty of 64 GB models left, though, but Mark didn’t want to pay that much and tried to leverage the situation into a discount on one of those. Some employees agreed that the company should make this happen, and others claimed that it wasn’t physically possible. Mark began a quest to get his promised discount, but it looks like he’ll be running Flash on his iPad before that ever happens. [More]

Consumer Reports: Apple iPad 2 Is A "Very Good Choice"
Our more computer-savvy cousins over at Consumer Reports are out with their first look at Apple’s iPad 2, and tester Dean Gallea has pronounced it a “very good choice” if you’re looking for a tablet computer. [More]